Wednesday 28 March 2018

Estratégia de diversificação em gestão estratégica ppt

Compromisso de longo prazo.

Desempenho e Responsabilidade.

Desde 1996, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd tem acompanhado seus clientes, privados e institucionais, em busca de uma solução duradoura para suas necessidades de gestão de patrimônio.

Em vista de nossa experiência e conhecimento, interpretamos suas necessidades e expectativas variadas para oferecer um serviço completo, focado e personalizado.

Banco privado.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; Co Ltd.

Banco privado.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; O principal objetivo da Co Ltd é entender completamente todas as necessidades e objetivos específicos de nossos clientes para seus ativos.

Como consultores, orgulhamo-nos de propor estratégias de investimento personalizadas ajustadas aos nossos clientes & # 8217; Necessidades individuais.

A estratégia de investimento adequada dependerá de vários fatores, como:

investimento objetivo tolerância ao horizonte temporal de risco planejamento imobiliário planejamento de aposentadoria questões tributárias questões legais.

Para clientes sensíveis às principais questões sociais e ambientais atuais e seu impacto em seus investimentos, propomos um poder discricionário de finanças sustentáveis.

Por extensão, fornecemos acesso a conhecimentos financeiros, fiscais e jurídicos, a fim de permitir a consolidação de questões patrimoniais da família (serviços de family office).


de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd procura gerentes que tenham estratégias de longo prazo consistentes, originais (diferenciadas) e estáveis. Procuramos investir com gerentes que identificamos como fornecendo outperformance de longo prazo, permitindo uma pequena rotação de fundos. Esses gerentes devem ter um histórico de desempenho em diferentes ciclos de mercado. Desenvolvemos relacionamentos de longo prazo com esses gerentes e monitoramos regularmente seu desempenho, reunindo-nos com eles. Embora predominantemente qualitativa em nosso processo de seleção, uma análise quantitativa também é realizada.

Gestão de ativos.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd também administra carteiras de valores mobiliários para famílias e instituições.

Gestão de ativos.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd também administra carteiras de valores mobiliários para famílias e instituições.


de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd procura identificar empresas que têm potencial para criar valor ao acionista no médio e longo prazo. Esse potencial pode ser estimado por:

o poder aquisitivo do capital investido atual, uma avaliação das vantagens competitivas que proporcionarão um alto nível de lucratividade e uma contribuição substancial para o crescimento, a diferença entre o valor presente e potencial da empresa com base nesses fatores (valor alvo).

Essa filosofia foi implementada com sucesso desde 1999 em ambientes financeiros e econômicos muito diferentes.

Processo de investimento de capital:

Usamos uma análise de baixo para cima que nos permite atingir as empresas mais atraentes. O nosso universo de investimento é constituído pelas 400 maiores empresas europeias (normalmente com uma capitalização de mercado superior a 3 mil milhões de euros).

A primeira etapa consiste em identificar candidatos a investimento aplicando critérios financeiros como retorno sobre patrimônio líquido (ROE), histórico, lucros futuros e nível de endividamento.

Na segunda etapa, submetemos os candidatos a uma análise fundamental:

Análise do retorno sobre o capital investido (ROIC), relação entre dívida e fluxo de caixa livre e lucros futuros e perspectivas de dividendos. Análise da vantagem competitiva com base no modelo de Michael Porter, ou seja, concorrência, potenciais novos entrantes, clientes, fornecedores e quaisquer produtos de substituição. Nesse estágio, também temos que tomar uma decisão sobre a qualidade da gestão e sua estratégia. Valorizar a empresa e determinar seu preço-alvo com base no fluxo de caixa descontado ou modelos futuros de dividendos. Otimizar os pontos de entrada no portfólio, monitorando os detalhes técnicos da empresa e seu provável fluxo de notícias futuro (relatórios de ganhos, etc.).

A terceira etapa envolve a construção da carteira atual, geralmente com 25 a 40 ações que têm o potencial de superar significativamente o mercado. Garantimos que há diversificação de grupo para limitar os riscos específicos dos setores.

Escritório familiar.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd propõe um modelo de negócios específico e especializado para o gerenciamento de seus ativos.

Escritório familiar.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd propõe um modelo de negócios específico e especializado para o gerenciamento de seus ativos.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd propõe um modelo de negócios específico e especializado para o gerenciamento de seus ativos, com base em:

Independência, ou seja, não há conflitos de interesse com bancos de custódia, corretoras ou gerentes de fundos. Expertise, ou seja, um profundo conhecimento da indústria de gestão de ativos e sua cadeia de valor específica. Ética e discrição, ou seja, uma equipe estável de parceiros de longo prazo compartilhando valores de ética comercial de alto nível.

Nossos serviços abrangem todos os aspectos de gerenciamento, coordenação e monitoramento geral de seus ativos:

Alocação de ativos Controle de riscos e otimização tributária Seleção e monitoramento cuidadoso de gerentes e bancos custodiantes Controle de custos e consolidação de contas Filantropia Dinâmica da família.

Conhecendo você.

Quer nossos clientes sejam indivíduos ou empresas, eles, acima de tudo, têm rostos, vozes e identidades. Para nós, é um padrão de qualidade e um princípio ético conhecer cada um deles. Como cada um de nossos clientes é diferente, é apenas conhecendo completamente suas necessidades e quais são os ativos do cliente que um serviço personalizado e diferenciado pode ser fornecido.

adaptar nossa abordagem de gerenciamento às suas necessidades, certificando-se de que eles tenham os mesmos gerentes de relacionamento que estão familiarizados com seus ativos e modos de vida específicos, garantindo que eles possam acessar todos os serviços necessários para o gerenciamento ideal de seus ativos. e termos éticos.

Conhecendo nossa profissão.

As áreas de investimento estão sendo constantemente diversificadas e os métodos de investimento estão em constante mudança.

A crescente complexidade do mundo financeiro exige agora uma concepção global dos nossos negócios, uma vez que além da gestão convencional de carteira individual e institucional, a experiência em finanças corporativas é uma contribuição valiosa para o que fazemos. É por isso que oferecemos uma gama completa de conselhos projetados para estratégias de investimento específicas.

Ter domínio completo de nossa profissão nos permite projetar soluções adaptadas a todos os aspectos da gestão de patrimônio individual e institucional.

Sabendo o nosso tempo.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd desenvolveu uma experiência substancial em investimento socialmente responsável.

Isso torna possível construir e otimizar um portfólio sustentável, onde de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; A Co Ltd integra as dimensões ambiental, social e de governança no processo de análise e gerenciamento.

Conhecendo nosso ambiente.

Os últimos anos mostraram a extrema instabilidade do ambiente econômico e financeiro mundial. Nosso negócio exige observação constante dos sinais de mudança naquele ambiente.

Como consequência direta da globalização econômica, por exemplo, o surgimento das microfinanças é um dos nossos principais focos, o que levou à nossa participação na criação de uma empresa especializada nessa área (Blue Orchard), para oferecer produtos que proporcionam retornos financeiros e são satisfatórios em termos de ética macroeconômica.

Como a questão da sucessão nas empresas familiares é fundamental para o nosso tecido econômico, criamos uma firma de private equity na forma de uma sociedade limitada Zurmont Madison Private Equity L. P., que levantou 250 milhões de francos suíços. Apoiado por eminentes empresários, oferece soluções fiscais e industriais para os pequenos empresários que estão preocupados com a melhor maneira de entregar suas empresas.

Adaptar-se ao meio ambiente é:

ser claro para entender o que os desafios futuros serão imaginativos para encontrar soluções efetivas para que novos problemas sejam flexíveis, com um processo simples de tomada de decisão dentro de uma organização realista.

Conhecendo nossos parceiros.

Por sermos independentes, temos o enorme privilégio de escolher nossos parceiros, mas essa independência também é acompanhada do dever de conhecer cada um desses parceiros, algo que muitas vezes é subestimado.

Temos regras no processo de seleção dos parceiros locais e internacionais com quem trabalhamos (bancos, analistas, corretores, especialistas fiscais e advogados). Dessa forma, nosso processo de seleção deve muito a experiência, mas também a uma sólida análise e documentação.

Reconhecendo oportunidades.

Ao nos mantermos atentos às grandes tendências do mercado, estamos comprometidos em aproveitar as oportunidades assim que elas surgirem, desenvolvendo veículos de investimento inovadores e recompensadores.

Em energia, por exemplo, queríamos que nossos clientes participassem da reestruturação do setor elétrico mundial. Lançamos dois fundos que investem em todo o mundo em empresas de primeira linha em energia elétrica convencional e renovável.

Aproveitar oportunidades significa:

reconhecimento de indústrias em crescimento que selecionam empresas que se beneficiarão de mudanças regulatórias ou outros desenvolvimentos em suas indústrias, criando os veículos mais adequados para permitir que nossos clientes se beneficiem dessas novas oportunidades de investimento.


Mounir Husseini.

Christopher Quast.

Hans-Jürgen Queisser.

Guillaume Pictet.

Paul-André Sanglard.

Guillaume Pictet.

Sócio-gerente e co-fundador.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Guillaume Pictet.

Sócio-gerente e co-fundador.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Ex-membro do Conselho Executivo do banco privado Darier Hentsch & amp; Cie. Anteriormente Economista Chefe na Secretaria de Economia em Berna.

Henri Turrettini.

Sócio-gerente e co-fundador.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Henri Turrettini.

Sócio-gerente e co-fundador.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Ex-Diretor de Mirabaud & amp; Cie e Partner of Mirabaud Participation & amp; Cie.

Melchior de Muralt.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Melchior de Muralt.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Vice-Presidente Executivo da Blue Orchard Finance S. A., Membro do CICV. Ex-membro da Administração do Lombard Odier & amp; Cie, responsável pelos clientes institucionais suíços.

Christopher Quast.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Christopher Quast.

Membro do Comitê de Gestão.

Ex-Gerente Sênior de Projetos na McKinsey & amp; Cie em Zurique, Nova York e Genebra. Anteriormente com a Shearson Lehman Brothers e a Cargill.

Carlos Arias.

Carlos Arias.

Ex-Diretor Administrativo do Morgan Stanley Suíça. Anteriormente Diretor Administrativo no JPMorgan em Genebra, e anteriormente no JPMorgan, banco privado em Nova York, e Chefe do México no banco de investimento JPMorgan.

Frédéric Dawance.

Frédéric Dawance.

Ele iniciou sua carreira no Pictet Private Bank em Genebra, seguido pelo Credit Suisse First Boston em Zurique e Londres, bem como no Exane em Paris.

Após dois anos como CFO em uma empresa de mídia internacional de nicho, a Lombard Odier & # 038; Cie, Genebra pediu-lhe para se juntar a eles em 2004, inicialmente como chefe de negociação, então como co-chefe de produtos de investimento investidores privados (fundos, fundos de hedge, finanças estruturadas e private equity) e finalmente como chefe do grupo mais amplo de riqueza privada gestores de investimento que foram galardoados com a Equipa de Banca Privada do Ano & # 8221; em 2015.

Frédéric é formado em HEC pela Universidade de St. Gall e mestre em economia pela Universidade de Colônia.

Florian Ducrey.

Florian Ducrey.

Transporta mais de 18 anos de experiência em Private Banking e Investment Management.

Depois de ter trabalhado para o UBS, o Bear Stearns (São Francisco) e o Kredietbank Switzerland, ele se juntou ao Grupo Lombard Odier em 2007 para desenvolver clientes suíços e internacionais. Ele foi promovido a diretor em 2014. Ele ingressou na PPT em 2016.

Depois de estudar na HEC em Genebra, ele se formou em Administração e Administração pela UC Berkeley.

Guillaume de Toulouse-Lautrec.

Guillaume de Toulouse-Lautrec.

Ex-Diretor Administrativo do Morgan Stanley Suíça. Anteriormente Diretor do Bankers Trust, responsável pela mesa da América Latina e Diretor de Investimentos para a Suíça.

Charles Turrettini.

Charles Turrettini.

Ex-membro do Conselho Executivo do banco privado Darier Hentsch & amp; Cie. Anteriormente membro de um grupo financeiro privado em Paris.

Gérard Bagnoud.

Gérard Bagnoud.

Ex-membro do Conselho Executivo de Julius Baer & amp; Cie SA bank, CIO, diretor de private banking em Genebra.

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan

Ex-vice-presidente executivo do Banque Notz Stucki em Genebra. Anteriormente no Banco Santander (Suisse) SA em Genebra, o principal representante da Ferrier Lullin & amp; Cie SA em Hong Kong e na Baring Securities.

Florian Hofer.

Florian Hofer.

Ex-diretor do Credit Suisse Mexico. Anteriormente Vice-Presidente da Morgan Stanley Suíça.

Paolo Bozzo.

Paolo Bozzo.

Ex-diretor do Bank of America Merrill Lynch em Zurique. Anteriormente com o Bank Sal. Oppenheim e Credit Suisse Private Banking.

Eric Jaques-Dalcroze.

Vice presidente Senior.

Eric Jaques-Dalcroze.

Vice presidente Senior.

Gerente individual de ativos do cliente. Anteriormente Senior Relationship Manager no Bank Julius Baer & amp; Cie SA.

Françoise Favre.

Compliance e Gerenciamento de Risco.

Françoise Favre.

Vice presidente Senior.

Compliance e Gerenciamento de Risco.

Diretor de Compliance, anteriormente vice-presidente assistente na gestão de ativos institucionais e unidades de gestão de carteira centralizada do banqueiro privado Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & amp; Cie (LODH) em Genebra.

Pierre Huber.

Vice presidente Senior.

Chefe da administração.

Pierre Huber.

Vice presidente Senior.

Chefe da administração.

Chefe da administração. Anteriormente Vice-Presidente Assistente em Favona S. A.

Dominique Habegger.

Vice presidente Senior.

Chefe de Clientes Institucionais.

Dominique Habegger.

Vice presidente Senior.

Chefe de Clientes Institucionais.

Responsável pelo desenvolvimento estratégico da gestão de ativos institucionais e dos Fundos Cadmos. Ex-co-fundador do Asset4 (Thomson Reuters). Anteriormente com Ethos, Lombard Odier e SAM.

Stéphanie de Mestral.

Vice presidente Senior.

Stéphanie de Mestral.

Vice presidente Senior.

BNP Paribas, principal grupo de clientes.

Morgan Stanley, gestão de patrimônio.

Lombard Odier & amp; Cie, gestão institucional.

Anne Henry-Aeschlimann.

Vice presidente Senior.

Anne Henry-Aeschlimann.

Vice presidente Senior.

Mais de 9 anos de experiência em private banking e gestão de fortunas com especialização em gestão de carteiras, tendo em conta as restrições fiscais e regulamentares para clientes suíços e europeus.

Anteriormente vice-presidente da Lombard Odier.

É bacharel em matemática e mestre em economia (Universidade de Genebra) e é um dos fundadores da CFA desde 2011.

Jean-Pierre Banzet.

Gerente sênior de portfólio.

Jean-Pierre Banzet.

Gerente sênior de portfólio.

Ex-gerente de ativos da Lazard frères Gestion em Paris. Anteriormente analista financeiro e gerente de fundos no JP Morgan em Londres e Paris.

Outlook Outlook Primeiro semestre de 2018.

Economia mundial: Crescimento sólido de base ampla Inflação: Abaixo das metas (exceto EUA) Mercados de ações: Lucro a crescer.

Cadmos & Fundos.

Fundos de Envolvimento da Cadmos.

Estamos convencidos de que o ambiente socioeconômico global está passando por uma profunda transformação e que os fatores ambientais, sociais e de governança terão impacto sobre o comportamento dos investidores nas próximas décadas.

O Buy & amp; A estratégia de investimento Care ® dos fundos de engajamento da Cadmos baseia-se em princípios fundamentais:

Reconciliar desempenho com responsabilidade Promover um estilo de gestão sólido e de longo prazo Exercer direitos de voto do investidor Diálogo sistemático com a administração.


A transformação estrutural do sistema de energia está em pleno andamento. Essa mudança de como a energia é produzida e consumida é impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos e pela crescente conscientização ambiental. Uma transição energética bem-sucedida requer investimentos substanciais em novas infraestruturas e sua modernização, fontes de energia renováveis, eficiência energética e tecnologias de armazenamento de energia.

Através de nossos produtos de investimento, oferecemos aos investidores acesso à nossa expertise exclusiva na identificação e capitalização de mudanças estruturais no setor de energia. Nos últimos 15 anos, fizemos parte da transição energética e conseguimos produzir retornos alfa substanciais.


Fundada em Genebra em 2001, a BlueOrchard Finance SA é a gestora do fundo comercial microfinanceiro pioneiro.

Um favorito de grandes investidores institucionais e clientes privados.

Uma equipe de 40 dos quais 22 profissionais de investimento.

Escritórios em 4 continentes com sede em Genebra e presença local em Zurique, Luxemburgo, Lima, Phnom Penh, Tbilisi e Nairobi.

EIC Partners AG.

A EIC surgiu do Grupo de Serviços Financeiros da ABB em 2002. Hoje, o PPT gerencia e distribui os seguintes fundos do EIC: Fundo de Infraestrutura de Energia da EIC, Fundo de Energia Renovável da EIC e Fundo Global de Nova Mobilidade.

No filme: Millennials são fundamentais para o ESG, diz de Pury Pictet Turrettini.

Neste vídeo, Melchior de Muralt, sócio-gerente da Puth Pictet Turrettini (PPT), explica como as metas de desenvolvimento sustentável estabelecidas em Genebra podem gerar bons temas de investimento.

Falando no Fórum de Genebra para Investimentos Sustentáveis, ele dá suas melhores dicas para gerentes de ativos independentes que procuram entrar na área de investimento de impacto.

O inovador Buy & amp; Care®, desenvolvida nos últimos 10 anos pela empresa de Pury, de Genebra, Pictet Turrettini & amp; Cie, parece dar frutos também por ações suíças. Essa estratégia, baseada na análise financeira tradicional, integra a responsabilidade social por meio do diálogo ativo com os acionistas.

A gestão deste subfundo foi confiada a Alexandre Stucki Investment [& # 8230;]

Para mais informações, consulte Jahrhundert hat Schumpeter gesagt, dass der Kapitalismus irgendwann verschwinden könnte, weil es.

keine Aktionäre mehr gäbe! Passivo Anlagen, Hochfrequenzhandel und vom Grossteil der Anleger nicht ausgeübte Stimmrechte gefährden die Legitimidade de freien Kapitalismus. Die zehnjährige Geschichte von Cadmos ermutigt dagegen dazu, den Aktionären eine Stimme und ein Gesicht zu geben, [& # 8230;]


Sucesso retumbante para nossa recente conferência financeira em Lausanne.

Após o discurso de boas-vindas de Guillaume Pictet, nossos convidados puderam descobrir como nosso fundo temático gerou um desempenho de mais de 30% ytd. Então eles tiveram a oportunidade de ouvir o Sr. Jean-Philippe Rochat falar sobre a candidatura da Suíça para as Olimpíadas de 2026 e as questões relacionadas.

de Pury Pictet Turrettini & amp; Cie SA Rue da Corraternidade 12 CH & # 8211; 1204 Genève T. +41 22 317 00 30 F: +41 22 317 00 33 contact@ppt. ch.

2018 e cópia; Tous droits réservés de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA / Exclusão de responsabilidade.

Buku Perbandingan Administrasi Negara Doc.

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A anatomia da diversificação bancária ☆

Usamos dados de painel de nove países durante o período de 1996-2008 para testar como a diversificação de receita afeta o valor do banco. Contando com uma estrutura abrangente para a medição do desempenho dos bancos, encontramos evidências robustas contra um desconto de conglomerado, ao contrário dos estudos relacionados às empresas industriais. Pelo contrário, a diversificação aumenta a rentabilidade do banco e, como conseqüência, também as avaliações de mercado. Este efeito de desempenho indireto não depende se a diversificação foi alcançada através do crescimento orgânico ou através da atividade de M & A. Demonstramos ainda que resultados anteriores na literatura sobre o impacto da diversificação no valor do banco presumivelmente diferem devido à forma como a diversificação é medida, e a negligência do efeito do valor indireto através da lucratividade do banco. Nossas evidências contra um desconto de conglomerado no setor bancário permanecem robustas também durante a crise do subprime.

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Este artigo foi originalmente submetido ao Professor Giorgio Szego em junho de 2006 e foi revisado uma vez antes da submissão através do EES. Os autores agradecem os comentários úteis dos participantes do seminário na Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, da LMU de Munique, do Encontro da Associação Financeira Alemã de 2005 e de dois árbitros anônimos.

Gerenciamento de Projetos - Apresentação do PowerPoint PPT.

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Gerenciamento de Projetos.

Gerenciamento de Projetos MBA Winter 2009 Professor Nicholas G. Hall Departamento de Ciências de Gestão Fisher College of Business A Ohio State University & ndash; Apresentação PPT do PowerPoint.

Gestão de Projetos MBA Winter 2009 Professor Nicholas G. Hall Departamento de Ciências de Gestão Fisher College of Business A Universidade Estadual de Ohio hall_33_at_fisher. osu. edu.

Razões para estudar o gerenciamento de projetos Ciclos de vida de produtos e serviços são mais curtos que.

nunca antes, portanto, há uma mudança mais rápida.

na indústria, e gerenciar essa mudança requer.

gestão profissional de projetos. Aplicativos emergentes, especialmente de TI.

implementações, são frequentemente gerenciados como projetos. Mais gerentes estão usando um formato de projeto para.

motivar muitas atividades diferentes. Habilidades de gerenciamento de projetos são úteis em ambos.

setores de manufatura e serviços.

Objetivos do Curso Compreender as compensações e decisões críticas.

em gerenciamento de projetos Saiba como selecionar e organizar projetos Aprenda os usos e limitações do projeto.

software de gerenciamento Aprenda como monitorar e controlar projetos individuais Aprenda como gerenciar incertezas e riscos em.

projetos Saiba como priorizar e gerenciar múltiplos.

projetos Saiba como gerenciar projetos melhor que o típico.

prática comercial (70 30 mix)

Visão geral do curso (1 de 3) História do curso História do assunto Textbook Readings.

Visão geral do curso (2 de 3) Software Estudos de caso Apresentações de análise de casos Conferencistas convidados.

Visão geral do curso (3 de 3) Jogo de simulação multitarefa Participação na aula Questões para o exame final.

Conteúdo do site da Carmen Introdução Programa de estudos, frequentemente solicitado.

perguntas Notas de aula em PowerPoint Leituras de fundo Exemplo de relatório de caso Tutoriais de software (5) Modelos de jogo de simulação multitarefa, estudante.

nota Formulário de avaliação do palestrante convidado, curso do meio do ano.

feedback, avaliação por grupo de pares Para ser adicionado aos trabalhos de análise de caso, convidado.

apresentações de palestrantes, solicitações de alunos,.

Project Management Institute (PMI) Weve tem sido reconhecido como um pioneiro no.

campo e agora a nossa adesão representa um verdadeiro.

comunidade global com mais de 100.000 profissionais,

representando 125 países. Profissionais do PMI.

vêm de praticamente todas as grandes indústrias.

O PMI oferece um valioso programa de certificação,

Project Management Professional (PMP). Isso também.

publica o Project Management Journal, um valioso.

fonte de pesquisa prática que está disponível.

através de periódicos eletrônicos da Biblioteca OSU.

Leituras úteis Textbook Klastorin, T. Ferramentas de gerenciamento de projetos e.

Tradeoffs, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2004. Outras fontes úteis Brooks, F. The Mythical Man-Month.

Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995. Goldratt, E. M. Critical Chain. O Rio Norte.

Press, Great Barrington, MA, 1997. Um guia para o corpo de gerenciamento de projetos de.

Conhecimento (Guia PMBOK), PMI, Newton Square, PA,

2000. Kerzner, H. Planejamento Estratégico para o Projeto.

Gerenciamento usando uma maturidade de gerenciamento de projetos.

Modelo, Wiley, Nova York, NY, 2001. Stevenson, N. Microsoft Project 2003 para Dummies,

Wiley, Indianapolis, IN, 2004.

Capítulo Introdução ao Gerenciamento de Projetos.

História do Gerenciamento de Projetos Um dos primeiros exemplos de gerenciamento de projetos.

foi a construção das pirâmides no Egito Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919) acrescentou um importante.

ferramenta de visualização em torno de 1917 com o Gantt.

No final da década de 1950, a DuPont Company desenvolveu o.

Método do Caminho Crítico (CPM) Também no final da década de 1950, Booz Allen Hamilton.

desenvolveu a Avaliação e Revisão do Programa.

Technique (PERT), que modela a incerteza em.

Importância do gerenciamento de projetos O gerenciamento de projetos efetivamente controla.

mudança organizacional, permitindo que as organizações.

introduzir novos produtos, novos processos e novos.

programas de forma eficaz. Os projetos estão se tornando mais complexos, tornando-os.

mais difícil de controlar sem formal.

estrutura de gestão. Projetos com substancialmente diferentes.

características, especialmente em TI, estão surgindo. O gerenciamento de projetos ajuda equipes multifuncionais.

para se tornar mais eficaz.

Comente sobre a importância do gerenciamento de projetos Finalmente, estamos começando a ver a pesquisa que.

comprova o quão importante é o gerenciamento de projetos.

sem gerentes de projeto bem treinados e capazes.

a porcentagem do PIB gasto por meio de projetos é.

inflado devido a muitos excedendo seu orçamento.

através da má gestão.

Richard Pharro, autor e consultor (2003)

Ainda assim, muitas organizações subestimam o.

contribuições feitas por seus gerentes de projeto.

O que é um projeto? Um projeto é um esforço temporário realizado para.

criar um produto ou serviço exclusivo. (PMBOK,

2000) Um projeto é um conjunto bem definido de tarefas ou.

atividades que devem ser todas concluídas para.

atender aos objetivos do projeto. Dois predominantes.

características Cada tarefa pode ser iniciada ou interrompida de forma independente.

de outras tarefas As tarefas são ordenadas de tal forma que devem ser.

realizada em uma sequência tecnológica.

Exemplos de Projetos Construção das pirâmides Missão de pouso na lua da Apollo Desenvolvimento da MS Windows Fazendo o Senhor dos Anéis Organizando os Jogos Olímpicos Desenvolvimento e comercialização de uma nova droga Implementando um novo sistema de TI da empresa Projeto deste curso Gerenciamento de projetos abrange tanto a fabricação quanto setores de serviços.

Manufacturing Perspective Flowshop A mesma sequência de operações é usada.

para criar cada produto ou serviço. Job Shop Um produto ou serviço só circula.

centros que são necessários para criá-lo.

Características da Flowshop, Job Shop e Project.

Gerenciamento de Projetos versus Gerenciamento de Processos Em última análise, os paralelos entre processo e.

gerenciamento de projetos dar lugar a um fundamental.

gestão do processo diferença procura.

eliminar a variabilidade enquanto o gerenciamento de projetos.

deve aceitar a variabilidade porque cada projeto é.

J. Elton, J. Roe. 1998. Trazendo Disciplina para.

Gerenciamento de Projetos. Harvard Business Review.

Veja o artigo do curso Oltra, Maroto e Segura.

Princípios Lean no Gerenciamento de Projetos Focando nas necessidades do cliente Equilibrando o trabalho para garantir um fluxo uniforme Usando a atração do cliente em vez do impulso do fornecedor.

para iniciar o trabalho Usando princípios de melhoria contínua.

Veja o artigo do curso Brown et al.

Medidas de Sucesso do Projeto Percepção Geral Custo Tempo de conclusão Objetivos técnicos, em relação ao inicial.

especificações Objetivos técnicos, em comparação com outros projetos em.

os objetivos técnicos da organização, levando em conta os problemas.

que surgiu no projeto.

R. J. Might e W. A. Fischer (1985)

Pergunta O filme Titanic foi bem sucedido?

Veja o artigo do coursepack The Chaos Report.

Nine Factors Critical to the Success of Many.

Projects Clearly defined goals Competent project manager Top management support Competent project team members Sufficient resource allocation Adequate communication channels Effective control mechanisms Use of feedback for improvement Responsiveness to clients.

J. Pinto and D. Slevin (1987)

See coursepack article Czuchry and Yasin.

Famous Project Failures In 1988, Westpac Banking Corporation initiated a.

5-year, 85m project to improve its information.

sistema. Three years later, after spending 150m.

with nothing to show for it, they cancelled the.

project and eliminated 500 development jobs. The computerized baggage handling system at the.

Denver International Airport delayed the opening.

of the airport from March 1994 to February 1995.

and added 85 million to the original budget. O.

baggage system continued to unload bags even.

though they were jammed on the conveyor belt. O.

system also loaded bags into telecarts that were.

already full. Hence, some bags fell onto the.

tracks, causing the telecarts to jam. The timing.

between the conveyor belts and the moving.

telecarts was not properly synchronized, causing.

bags to fall between the conveyor belt and the.

telecarts. Then the bags became wedged under the.

telecarts, which were bumping into each other.

Famous Project Failures (cont.) Disney's shipbuilder was six months late in.

delivering its new cruise ships in 1998.

Thousands of Disney customers who had purchased.

tickets had to be compensated for making.

different plans. In 1997-99, Universal Studios in Orlando,

Florida, built a new restaurant and entertainment.

complex, a two year project. The opening was.

delayed by three months. The Big Dig road construction project in Boston.

(1987-2007) was budgeted at 5.8b but cost over.

15b. The project resulted in criminal arrests,

thousands of water leaks, death of a motorist.

from a tunnel collapse, and hundreds of millions.

of dollars in lawsuits. In 2005, UK grocery chain J. Sainsbury wrote off.

its 526m investment in an automated supply chain.

management system. They hired 3000 additional.

workers to stock their shelves manually.

Reasons why Projects Fail Improper focus of the project management system,

por exemplo. on low level details Fixation on first budget estimates Too much reliance on inaccurate project.

management software Too many people on the project team Poor communication within the project team Incentives that reward the wrong actions.

See coursepack article Mulder.

Common Excuses for Project Failures Unexpectedly poor weather delayed construction Unforeseeable poor performance by contractors Senior management imposed an unrealistic schedule Instructions by senior management were unclear Many wasteful synchronization meetings.

interrupted actual work.

See coursepack article Pinto and Kharbanda.

Management of IT Projects More than 250 billion is spent in the US each.

year on approximately 175,000 information.

technology projects. IT project management is an 850 million industry.

and is expected to grow by as much as 20 percent.

Gene Bounds, The Last Word on Project.

Management, IIE Solutions, 1998.

IT Projects are Different in IT projects, if you ask people whats done.

and what remains to be done there is nothing to.

see. In an IT project, you go from zero to 100.

percent in the last second--unlike building a.

brick wall where you can see when youre halfway.

Engineering projects are measured by tasks.

Example building construction.

IT projects are measured by resources used.

Example software development.

IT Project Outcomes.

Standish Group Survey, 1999. (from a survey of.

8000 business systems projects)

Why do IT Projects Fail? Ill-defined or changing requirements Poor project planning/management Uncontrolled quality problems, e. g. Programas.

fails to complete computing task in time Unrealistic expectations/inaccurate estimates Adoption of new technology without fully.

Construx Software Builders, Inc., 2005.

Why are IT projects more difficult?

Wheelwright and Clarks Classification of Projects.

Project Life Cycle.

Design (Scope), Cost, Time Tradeoffs.

You can have your job done cheap, quick, or.

right pick two. Sign in local copy center.

Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) PMMM is a formal tool that can be used to measure.

an organization's project management maturity. Once the initial level of maturity and areas for.

improvement are identified, the PMMM outlines the.

steps to take toward project management.

excellence PMMM is based on extensive empirical research.

that defines a best practice database, as well.

as a plan for improving the project management.

Project Management Maturity Model 1. Ad-Hoc The project management process is.

disorganized or even chaotic. Systems and.

processes are not defined. Chronic cost and.

schedule problems exist. 2. Abbreviated Some project management.

processes exist, but underlying principles are.

not consistently followed. Project success is.

largely unpredictable. Cost and schedule problems.

Project Management Maturity Model 3. Organized Project management processes and.

systems are documented and and integrated.

Project success rates, and cost and schedule.

performance, are improved. 4. Managed Projects are effectively.

controlled by management. Project success is.

usually routine. Cost and schedule performance.

usually conform to plan.

Project Management Maturity Model 5. Adaptive Continuous improvement of the.

project management process occurs through.

feedback and testing of innovative ideas and.

technologies. Project success rates, and cost.

and schedule performance, are continuously.

Source The Project Management Institute PM.

Network 1997. Micro Frame Technologies, Inc. and.

Project Management Technologies, Inc.

Chapter Project Initiation, Selection, and Planning.

Importance of Project Initiation Selection.

There are two ways for a business to succeed at.

new products doing projects right, and doing.

the right projects.

R. G. Cooper, S. Edgett, E. Kleinschmidt. 2000.

Research and Technology Management.

Good project selection makes the later job of.

running projects much easier. Also, some poorly.

selected projects are doomed from the start.

Project Selection - Overview 1. Strategic factors Competitive necessity keep a foothold in the.

market, not get left behind Market expansion opportunities not yet.

profitable, but need to establish a presence Consistency in line with overall organizations.

mission statement Image potential impact of project on corporate.

Project Selection - Overview 2. Project portfolio factors Diversification reduce market and other risks by.

maintaining a mix of projects Cash flow constraints balance available cash.

over time and across projects Resource constraints plan available resources.

(facility, personnel) over time.

Analyzing Project Portfolios Bubble Diagram.

Shapes Shading Color Size.

Bubble diagrams are useful for representing a set.

of projects and visualizing a project portfolio.

Analyzing Project Portfolios Product vs Process.

Shape represents the production resource used.

Size represents the resource requirement.

Extent of Product Change.

Extent of Process Change.

Source S. C. Wheelwright and K. B. Clark, 1992,

Creating Project Plans to Focus, Harvard Business.

Project Selection - Overview 3. Project risk factors Probability of research being successful Probability of development being successful Probability of project success w. r.t. scope Probability of commercial success Overall risk of project Competitors in market and their reactions.

Project Selection - Overview 4. Quantitative factors Payback period Net present value / internal rate of return Expected commercial value Real options Multifactor scoring.

Payback Period Analysis Number of years needed for the project to repay.

its initial fixed investment.

Example A project costs 100,000 and is.

expected to save the company 20,000 per year.

Payback Period 100,000 / 20,000 5 years.

Comments on Payback Period Easy to calculate and explain, and sometimes can.

be used to achieve a common purpose throughout an.

organização. Ignores the time value of money, including.

interest rates and inflation. Ignores money earned after the payback period.

Net Present Value (NPV) Let Ft net cash flow in period t (t 0, 1. T), where F0 initial cash.

investment at time t 0 and r discount rate of return (hurdle rate)

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Find a value of r such that NPV is equal to 0.

(but this value may not be unique)

Note that, in a typical project, early cash flows.

NPV Example Phase I Research and Product Development 18.

million annual research cost for 2 years. Phase II Market Development 10 million annual.

expenditure for 2 years to develop marketing and.

distribution channels. Phase III Sales All cash flows are after-tax and.

The results of Phase II (available at the end of.

year 4) identify the product's market potential.

as indicated below.

If the discount rate is 5 percent, the discounted.

expected cash flow at the end of the 4th year is.

Expected cash flows (with sale of product at end.

Criticisms of NPV Analysis Assumes that cash flow forecasts are accurate.

ignores the human bias effect Does not take into account the possibility that.

decisions (and therefore cash flows) may adapt to.

changing circumstances over time Ignores project portfolio issues Use of a single discount rate for the entire.

project is problematic, since risk is typically.

reduced as the project evolves.

See coursepack article Hodder and Riggs.

Expected Commercial Value (ECV)

ECV is the expected NPV of the project,

calculated by using the probabilities of the.

ECV Example The design of a new product is expected to take 3.

years, at a cost of 6m/year There is a .8 probability that the product will.

be technically feasible If feasible, the product can be launched in year.

4 with an estimated cost of 5.5M If launched, the product will be a commercial.

success with probability 0.6, earning gross.

revenues of 15M per year for 5 years If it is a commercial failure, then the revenue.

is only 2M per year for 5 years The discount rate is 10 percent.

One-time cost of 5.5M.

Commercial Success Revenue 15M/yr.

Launch New Product.

Commercial Failure Revenue 2M/yr.

Research Product Development.

Discount rate r110.

Discount rate r210.

Example calculation .8(.6)(15)(.4)(2)-5.50.2(

Criticisms of ECV Analysis The possibility of changing decisions in the.

future changes the risk characteristics of the.

project. Consequently, the use of the same discount rate.

may be inappropriate. However, its not clear what other discount rate.

should be used. Thats where the idea of real options analysis.

Real Options Analysis Based on the view that the evaluation of.

financial options can be applied to other.

investimentos. Implicitly finds the correct discount rate by.

expressing the cash flows in the project as a.

combination of flows whose cost of capital is.

supposedly known. In principle, this should give more accurate.

evaluation of projects than ECV. However, the usefulness of real options analysis.

for evaluating projects is unclear.

Real Options Analysis A leader in the application of real options.

analysis is Hewlett-Packard. But they mainly use.

it for procurement and other low risk,

contract-protected decisions, not to evaluate.

projects. Real options analysis is probably not useful in.

high risk industries, such as pharmaceuticals. Real options analysis may also not be useful if a.

company lacks the discipline to end a project.

without delay if the initial investment doesnt.

work out. Real options author N. Kulatilaka says, Although.

you can make any project look good if you build.

in enough options, a real world approach must.

address two questions when exactly do you shut.

it down, and is there a good mechanism in sight.

Multifactor Project Scoring Example.

Multifactor Project Scoring Example To convert various measurement scales to a 0,1.

Note that the exponential scale places a premium.

on being acceptable, but not on excellence.

Multifactor Project Scoring Example.

Note that the linear scale recommends Project A,

whereas the exponential scale recommends Project.

Project Selection as a Portfolio Problem A project is a multi-period investment problem Top management typically allocates resources to.

different product lines (e. g., compact cars,

high-end sedans) Product lines sell in separate (but not.

necessarily independent) market segments Product line allocations (which resources should.

produce which products) may change frequently Conditions in each market segment are uncertain.

from period to period due to competition and.

changing customer preferences.

Project Selection Example.

Overall score of Project A .581 Overall score of.

We want to maximize the total overall score, or.

value delivered, of the portfolio.

0-1 Program for Project Selection.

Maximize 0.581a 0.845b Subject to 40a 65b.

90 (Year 1) -10a 25b 20 (Year 2) -20a.

50b 40 (Year 3) -20a 50b 55 (Year 4) a,

b 0 or 1 where a 1 if project A is.

selected 0 if not.

and b similarly.

See coursepack article Hall et al. (1992)

Project Planning Information 1. Project overview and organization Summary statement, work breakdown structure, organization plan, subcontracting.

allocation plan 3. Project monitoring and control Cost control system, contingency plans 4. Project termination Evaluation, benchmarking and archiving.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Specifies the end-item deliverables Divides the work, reducing the dollars and.

complexity with each additional division Stop dividing when the tasks are manageable work.

packages, which will depend on Skill levels of group(s) involved Managerial responsibility Length of time Value of task Rules of thumb for tasks small enough for.

estimation, large enough for measurability For example, the 1969 Apollo moon landing project.

had about 500,000 tasks.

Common Problem in WBS Design The usual mistake PMs make is to lay out too.

many tasks subdividing the major achievements.

into smaller and smaller subtasks until the work.

breakdown structure (WBS) is a to do list of.

one-hour chores This springs from the screwy.

logic that a project managers job is to walk.

around with a checklist of 17,432 items and tick.

each item off as people complete them. The Hampton Group (1996)

1. Charity Auction.

1.1 Event Planning.

1.2 Item Procurement.

1.4 Corporate Sponsorships.

Sandbagging A common problem in estimation of task durations.

is building in too much slack (also known as.

sandbagging). Sandbagging often results from poorly aligned.

incentives. If project workers will incur a.

penalty for missing a standard task time, but no.

benefit from completing the task earlier, then.

the natural tendency is to inflate the standard.

task time. A common problem in projects is that sandbagging.

and other slack proliferate.

New Product Development Projects.

Design follows a sequential pattern where.

information about the new product is slowly.

accumulated in consecutive stages.

New Product Development Projects.

Overlapped Product Design Approach.

Allows downstream design stages to start before.

preceding upstream stages have finalized their.

New Product Development Projects.

What are the tradeoffs when moving from a.

traditional sequential product design approach to.

an overlapped product design approach? Time to market is smaller in the overlapped.

design But the schedule is more vulnerable (which.

requires additional monitoring) Can add further resources to tasks to reduce.

duration--but costs are increased.

Chapter Project Teams and Organizational Relationships.

Role of Project Manager and Team.

This structure is what makes being a project.

manager both very interesting and very.

Responsibilities of a Project Manager To the organization and top management Meet budget and resource constraints Coordinate with functional managers To the project team Provide timely and accurate feedback Keep focus on project goals Manage personnel changes To the client Communicate in a timely and accurate manner Provide control over scope changes Maintain quality standards To the subcontractors Provide information on overall project status.

Comment Its a long list, and requires.

Project Team What is a project team? A group of people committed to achieving a common.

set of goals for which they hold themselves.

mutually accountable Characteristics of a project team Diverse backgrounds/skills Need to work together effectively, often under.

time and cost pressures May not have worked together before Have a sense of accountability as a unit (but.

perhaps only temporarily)

Sources of Conflicts within Projects Scheduling and sequencing Administrative procedures Staffing issues Budget and cost issues Personality conflicts Project priorities Trade-off between technical performance and.

business performance Source H. J. Thamhain and D. L. Wilemon, 1971.

Artistic Viewpoint I design user interfaces to please an audience.

of one. I write them for me. If Im happy, I.

know some cool people will like it As for.

schedules, Im not interested in schedules did.

anyone care when War and Peace came out? Developer, Microsoft Corporation As reported by MacCormack and Herman, HBR Case.

9-600-097 Microsoft Office 2000.

However, is this comment a reasonable one for.

most project management environments?

Group Harmony and Project Performance What is the relationship between the design of.

multidisciplinary project teams and project.

success? Two schools of thought Humanistic school -- groups that have positive.

characteristics will perform well Task oriented school -- positive group harmony.

detracts from group performance.

Group Harmony and Project Performance Experiment conducted with MBA students at U. of.

Washington and Seattle U., using computer based.

simulation of a nuclear power plant. 14 project teams with a total of 44 team members.

compared high performance (low cost) teams vs low.

performance (high cost) teams Measured Group harmony Individual contributions to group Speed of decision making.

K. Brown, T. D. Klastorin, J. Valluzzi. 1990.

Project Management Performance A Comparison of.

Team Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on.

Engineering Management, 37, 2, 117-125.

Group Harmony High vs Low Performing Groups.

High performing (low cost) groups.

Low performing (high cost) groups.

High performing groups began with lots of.

Extent of Individual Contribution High vs Low.

High performing (low cost) groups.

Low performing (high cost) groups.

High performing groups began with individual.

Decision Making Effectiveness High vs Low.

High performing (low cost) groups.

Low performing (high cost) groups.

High performing groups began with slow decision.

Organizational Issues What administrative and control relationships.

should be established between the project and the.

existing organization? How much autonomy and authority should be given.

to the project? What management practices and systems should be.

used to manage the project, and how should they.

differ from those used in the existing.

Fundamental Approaches Project as a Distinct Entity In order to.

maximize the chances of success, it is better to.

organize the project as an entity distinct from.

the rest of the organization. This minimizes.

interdependencies between the project and the.

rest of the organization. Project Integrated into Existing Structure When.

an organization undertakes a new project, strong.

pressures favor the integration of the project.

into the existing structure and management.

But, what is the overall company objective?

Autonomous Projects Tend to be More Successful Because their results are more visible and.

attract more management attention Motivation level tends to be higher Because they suffer less from conflicts over.

priorities than functionally managed projects,

which facilitates time and cost control Because maintaining relationships between the.

project and the organization creates complex.

So, why arent all projects managed as autonomous.

Organizational Pressures for Project Integration Upper management may resist special status for.

projects, because this creates additional risks.

and setup costs as well as jealousy Functional managers like to believe that the.

project falls within their departments.

jurisdiction Department managers may feel threatened by losing.

some of their best resources to the project Personnel may resist transfer to the project,

especially for risky projects and when.

reintegration after the project could be.

difficult Personnel and accounting functions strive for.

standardized methods and procedures across the.

organization Managers of autonomous projects choose methods.

and materials to optimize locally, not globally.

Project Organization Types 1. Functional The project is divided, and.

assigned to appropriate functional departments.

The coordination of the project is carried out by.

functional and high-level managers. 2. Functional matrix A manager is designated to.

oversee the project across different functional.

áreas. 3. Balanced matrix A manager is assigned to.

oversee the project, and interacts on an equal.

basis with functional managers. 4. Project matrix A manager is assigned to.

oversee the project as an independent entity, and.

is responsible for the completion of the project.

There may be a project team, but part time. 5. Project team A manager is put in charge of a.

team drawn from several functional areas who are.

assigned to the project full time.

Matrix Organization Motivated by conflicting incentives in the.

organization functional managers typically want.

to optimize scope and product performance and.

design, project managers focus more on the cost.

and schedule of the project Matrix organization became widely used in the.

1970s and early 1980s More recently, has evolved into many different.

forms (based on reporting structure, level of.

standardization, sharing of responsibility and.

A Business School as a Matrix Organization.

Comments bureaucratic, confusing, stressful.

Organizational Structure Project Success Studies by Larson and Gobeli (1988, 1989) Sent questionnaires to 855 randomly selected PMI.

members Asked about organizational structure used Perceptual measures of project success.

successful, marginal, unsuccessful with respect.

to Meeting schedule Controlling cost Technical performance Overall performance.

Study Data Classification of 547 respondents (64 response.

rate) 30 project managers or directors of PM programs 16 top management (president, vice president,

etc.) 26 managers in functional areas (e. g.,

marketing) 18 specialists working on projects Industries included in studies 14 pharmaceutical products 10 aerospace 10 computer and data processing products others telecommunications, medical instruments,

glass products, software development,

petrochemical products, houseware goods Organizational structures 13 (71) Functional organizations 26 (142) Functional matrix 16.5 (90) Balanced matrix 28.5 (156) Project matrix 16 (87) Project team.

ANOVA Results by Organizational Structure.

An exception occurs here.

The results are statistically significant at the.

Higher values represent greater success.

Principles for Determining Autonomy Level in New.

Projects (Organizational Factors) Ready availability of resources facilitates the.

establishment of autonomous projects The less the organizations information system.

and administrative policies and procedures are.

able to serve a project, the more the project.

needs specific and dedicated systems The more the firms culture differs from the.

desired project management culture, the more.

autonomous a project should be.

Principles for Determining Autonomy Level in New.

Projects (Project Factors) The greater the strategic importance for an.

organization and the larger the size of the.

project, the more autonomous the project should.

be The more a project is interdependent.

(integrated) (e. g., there is a need for.

frequent project meetings), the more autonomous.

it should be The higher the complexity, and the more the.

projects success depends on its environment, the.

more autonomous it should be The greater the need to meet severe budget/time.

constraints (especially time, from Larson and.

Gobeli), the more autonomous the project should.

be The more stable the resource loading, the more.

economical it is to dedicate resources to the.

project and run it as an autonomous unit.

Decision Model for Determining the Level of.

Autonomy in a New Project A five step decision model (or, scoring model)

is now proposed for determining the level of.

autonomy to be allowed in a new project. This model provides useful structure and guidance.

to the process of determining an appropriate.

level of autonomy. But this model is definitely NOT AN ALGORITHM!

Thus, the same inputs can lead to different.

outcomes, based on judgment and interpretation.

This model is adapted from Organizational.

Choices for Project Management , B. Hobbs and P.

Decision Model Step 1. Evaluate the way in which the organization reacts to a new project. Organizational Factors Availability of resources Inflexibility of the organizational management.

system Unsupportiveness of culture.

_______ _______ _______.

Decision Model Step 2. Evaluate the project itself. Project factors Strategic importance Size Novelty need for innovation Need for interdependence/integration Environmental complexity Need to meet tight constraints Stability in resource loading.

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____.

Decision Model Step 3. Using the information from Steps 1 and 2, make a subjective judgment about the desired level of autonomy in the new project. For example, average the Step 1 and Step 2 numbers.

Decision Model Step 4. Identify to what extent the desired level of autonomy from Step 3 is compatible with the current management culture (which is identified on the following page).

Current Management Culture.

Level or Intensity.

Lowlt--gtHigh Ability to manage in an autonomous mode Percentage of time assigned to projects Quality of reporting process Percentage of resources fully dedicated to.

projects Level of control over budget and management of.

resources Level of control over budget allocation and.

expenditures Ability to make independent decisions about.

technical choices and tradeoffs Project-specific systems and procedures already.

in place Project resources located together Physical separation from parent organization.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ __.

______ ________ ________ ________ ________.

Find the mean ______.

Decision Model Step 5. Based on the information from Steps 3 and 4, and the relative importance of the project to the organization, make a decision about the appropriate level of autonomy for the project. The numbers from Steps 3 and 4 inform that decision, but should not dominate it.

Scoring Model Application Control System Project A major utility is functionally structured with.

culture unsupportive of project needs Management systems cannot serve project needs for.

planning, control, general administration Severe shortage of specialized human resources,

as they are badly needed for ongoing operations High strategic importance technical failure.

could result in a major public catastrophe Medium to large project cost is around 200.

million, and project duration is 6 years.

Decision Model Control System Project (cont.) Strong need for innovation control system of a.

large and complex distribution network needs to.

be replaced. Members of the project team.

participated in the design of existing control.

system in the 1970s, but the new system is very.

complex and state of the art. Strong need for integration contributions from.

many tech departments are needed and are highly.

interdependent Medium-high environmental complexity many.

external interfaces and high dependency on.

suppliers, because of highly specialized.

consulting services and software/hardware and.

because the number of potential suppliers is.

extremely small. The project impacts many users.

who have to be involved in design and.

implementação. Industry in turmoil inability to.

terminate contracts, bankruptcies,

Decision Model Control System Project (cont.) Project is very politically sensitive, because of.

the visibility the press has given to the.

shortcomings of the present system. Medium budget/time constraints There is no hard.

deadline for the new system, but the risk of.

severe problems in the existing system is too.

high after the target date. Cost issues are not.

critical, but they receive close attention from.

top management. Medium stability of resource loading the level.

of internal resources assigned to the project.

varies from phase to phase, but the most critical.

resources will be with the project throughout. Budget allocation and expenditures are tightly.

controlled by the overall organization. The accuracy of the financial reporting system is.

low poor control system, significant potential.

Summary of Project Organization Structure Project structure is significantly related to.

project success Projects that use a traditional functional.

organization have the worst cost, time and scope.

performance Projects using either a project matrix or a.

project team were more successful in meeting.

their schedules than those using the balanced.

matrix Projects using the project matrix were better.

able to control costs than those using the.

project team Overall, the most successful projects used a.

balanced matrix, project team, or--especially--pro.

ject matrix. But, were these the most successful.

Subcontracting Issues What parts of a project will be subcontracted? What type of bidding process will be used? O que.

type of contract? Should you use a separate request for bids for.

each task or use one for all tasks? What is the impact of subcontracting on the.

expected duration of the project? Should you offer incentives, such as a bonus for.

finishing early? Or require penalties for.

finishing late? How does subcontracting impact risk?

Advice for Choosing a Subcontractor Talk to at least three potential subcontractors Use referrals where possible Face-to-face meetings are essential Tradeoff between quality and price needs to be.

considered Present candidates with test scenarios Communicate your needs and expectations in detail Establish benchmarks for performance Establish guidelines for contract termination.

Chapter Precedence Networks and The Critical Path Method.

Several types of precedence requirements occur in.

Finish-to-start (FS a) Task B cannot start.

until a days after task A is finished.

Start-to-start (SS a) Task B cannot start.

until a days after task A has started.

Finish-to-finish (FF a) Task B cannot finish.

until a days after task A is finished.

Start-to-finish (SF a) Task B cannot finish.

until a days after task A has started.

The most common precedence network has FS 0.

Networks represent immediate precedence.

relationships among tasks and milestones.

identified by the work breakdown.

structure Milestones are tasks that take no time.

and have no cost, but indicate significant events.

in the life of the project (e. g., completion of a.

project phase) Two types of networks.

Activity-on-Node (AON) Activity-on-Arc.

(AOA) All networks must have only one starting.

and one ending point. This can always be.

achieved artificially, where necessary.

Precedence Networks Activity-on-Node (AON)

Precedence Networks Activity-on-Arc (AOA)

AON vs AOA Arguments for AON AON is easier to explain and understand AON is used in most PM software (e. g., Microsoft.

Project) AON does not require the use of dummy tasks to.

represent precedence relationships Arguments for AOA The PERT model (Chapter 6) is based on AOA AOA can be drawn using arc lengths corresponding.

to task durations, which adds intuition to the.

Critical Path Method AON with Two Paths.

The minimum time needed to complete a project is.

equal to the length of the longest path through.

the network this path is known as a Critical.

Path. Activities along the critical path are.

called Critical Activities.

CPM Example 1 AON Calculations.

Step 1. Work ES calculations forward. Step 2. Set.

LFENDESEND. Step 3. Work LF calculations.

Task B 3 months.

ESStart 0 LFStart 0.

Task A 7 months.

ESEnd 11 LFEnd 11.

Task C 11 months.

ESj Earliest starting time for task (milestone)

j LFj Latest finish time for task (milestone) j.

Example 1 Network Paths and Lengths There may be more than one critical path, but.

there must be at least one Critical paths can be found easily using CPM (as.

in MS Project), linear programming or other.

Critical Activities Implications Activity j is a critical activity if LFj ESj.

tj Any activity on a critical path is a critical.

activity A delay to a critical activity causes a delay to.

the completion of the entire project Therefore, critical activities require.

particularly efficient execution, so they often.

receive more and better resources and closer.

monitoring Critical chain project management (Goldratt,

1997) treats a critical path in a project.

similarly to a bottleneck in a manufacturing.

CPM Example 2 AON Network.

Example 2 Network Paths and Lengths.

Thus, START-A-D-F-END is a critical path.

Example 2 CPM Calculations.

0914. LFDminLFE-tE, LFF-tFmin35-6,

CPM Example 2 AON Network.

ESD max14,9 14 LFD min35-9,35-626.

Total Slack (TSi) assumes no delays at other.

tasks (i. e., all the noncritical tasks before i.

use their ES times, and all the noncritical.

tasks after i use their LS times) Free Slack.

(FSi) assumes no delays at earlier tasks, but.

allows delays at later tasks (i. e., all the.

noncritical tasks use their ES times) Safety.

Slack (SSi) assumes no delays at later tasks, but.

allows delays at earlier tasks (i. e., all the.

noncritical tasks use their LS times) Independent.

Slack (ISi) allows delays at all other tasks.

(i. e., all the noncritical tasks before i use.

their LS times, and all the noncritical tasks.

after i use their ES times)

Example 2 Calculating Total Slack (TSi)

Total Slack for task i TSi LFi - ESi - ti.

Calculating All Slack Values.

Total Slack (TSi) LFi - ESi - ti Free Slack.

(FSi) ESi, min - ESi - ti where ESi, min.

minimum earliest start time of all tasks that.

immediately follow task i Safety Slack (SSi)

LFi - LFi, max - ti where LFi, max maximum.

latest finish time of all tasks that.

immediately precede task i Independent.

Slack (ISi) max (0, ESi, min - LFi, max -

Slack Calculations Example.

LP Model Motivation It is unnecessary to use an LP model just to find.

the critical paths (because CPM is simpler) However, an LP model can easily be extended to.

evaluate, for example, time / cost tradeoffs,

and task completion time preferences for the.

noncritical activities Also, LP output provides extensive sensitivity.

and related information which should be valuable.

to project managers Whereas, most project management software (such.

as MS Project) does not.

LP Model for AON Network.

Decision variables STARTj start time for task.

j END ending time of project (END milestone)

Minimize END subject to.

STARTj FINISHi for all tasks i that.

immediately precede task j STARTj 0.

for all tasks j in the project.

where FINISHi STARTi ti.

Note that the FINISHi variables will not.

explicitly appear in the simplified version of.

LP Model for Example 2.

Minimize END Subject to STARTD FINISHA.






Simplified LP Model for Example 2.

Extension of LP Model Enforce Early Start Times.

How to ensure that all tasks are started at their.

earliest possible times.

Extension of LP Model Enforce Late Start Times.

How to ensure that all tasks are started at their.

latest possible times, subject to not delaying.

the project. Run any model (for example, CPM) that minimizes.

the project duration. Call the duration of the project ENDTIME. In the model on the previous page, add.

constraints which ensure that all tasks complete.

by ENDTIME Change minimize to maximize.

Microsoft Project MS Project is an excellent visual aid for.

monitoring and controlling projects For projects without time/cost tradeoffs,

uncertainty in task times, and resource.

constraints, it delivers optimal solutions Outside these simpler environments, the.

performance of MS Project is less reliable See Klastorin, p. 195, for a discussion of the.

relative performance of several software.

packages, including MS Project.

See coursepack article Fox and Spence (1998)

AOA Precedence Networks.

AOA Computing Earliest and Latest Occurrence.

Step 1. Work TE calculations forward.

Step 3. Work TL calculations backward.


Slack Calculations for AOA TSij Total slack for Task (i, j) FSij Free slack for Task (i, j) SSij Safety slack for Task (i, j) ISij Independent slack for Task (i, j)

Interpretations are the same as in AON.

Slack Values for AOA Example.

AOA Calculating Slack.



TS123, FS122 SS123, IS122.

Task D 10 Weeks.



Step 1. Work TE calculations forward.

Step 3. Work TL calculations backward.


LP Model for AOA Network.

Decision variables the occurrence time of each.

Chapter Planning to Minimize Cost.

Project Budget The budget is an important communication link.

between the functional units and the project Should be presented in terms of measurable.

outputs, which correspond to work packages in the.

WBS Should clearly indicate project milestones Establishes goals, schedules and benchmarks, and.

assigns resources to tasks Serves as a baseline for progress monitoring and.

Types of Budgeting Top-down Budgeting Aggregate measures (cost,

time) provided by top management, based on.

strategic goals and constraints Bottom-up Budgeting Specific measures.

aggregated up from WBS tasks/costs and.

subcontractors Hybrid Top management typically indicates a.

budget constraint, while project managers use a.

bottom-up approach to estimate individual costs.

Types of Costs in Projects Direct costs resource costs, including.

expediting costs. These vary with task duration. Material costs reflect the cost of acquiring.

materials needed to complete work. These vary.

with project scope. Overhead costs administrative costs allocated to.

support the project, and usually not attributable.

to any specific task. These vary with project.

duration. Performance costs / bonuses vary with project.

duration, or sometimes with performance relative.

to milestones, depending on the contract.

Project Budget Example.

Project Budget Example.

Cost for Resource A worker 400/week Cost for.

Resource B worker 600/week.

Project Budget Example.

The total duration is 35 weeks.

Weekly Costs (Cash Flows)

Example 2 from Chapter 4.

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23.

Cash Flow Management Need to manage both payments and receipts It is usually better to pay as late and receive.

as early as possible Must consider budget constraints and.

organizational requirements on projects (e. g.,

payback period) Noncritical activities may have flexibility in.

their start times that affects cash flow and NPV Frequently, there is a tradeoff between cash flow.

(prefer LS schedule) and completion time.

reliability (prefer ES schedule)

Cash Flow Example.

Cash Flow Example Solver Model.

Objective Maximize NPV.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19.

See cashflow analysis. xls on the CD.

Material Management Example.

A total of 32 units of resource must be.

acquired. What is the best ordering policy?

Material Management Example Main Issue How much to order, and when? In the example Single material is needed for Task B (2 units)

and Task E (30 units) Fixed cost (including delivery) to place order.

300 Cost of holding raw materials is 2 times the.

number of unit-weeks in stock Cost of holding finished product is greater than.

the cost of holding raw material, because of.

value added Project can be delayed (beyond 17 weeks) at cost.

of P per week, where P gt 30 x 2.

Material Management Example.

To minimize holding costs, only place orders at.

Latest Start times Can never reduce total costs.

by delaying the project.

Choose the option that minimizes inventory cost.

order cost holding cost of raw materials.

Material Management Example Fixed cost to place order 300/order Cost of holding raw material 2/unit/week Cost of option 1 30012308780 Cost of option 2 3002600.

Time / Cost Tradeoffs Crashing investing in additional resources (and.

usually incurring additional cost) in order to.

reduce individual task durations and therefore.

also overall project duration. What are some methods for crashing? Some practical models minimize total of overhead, indirect, direct.

and penalty costs minimize project duration subject to a budget.

Guia de Estudo de Gerenciamento de MSG.

SWOT Analysis of Google.


Google is probably the world’s best-known company for pioneering the search engine revolution and providing a means for the internet users of the world to search and find information at the click of a mouse. Further, Google is also known for its work in organizing information in a concise and precise manner that has been a game changer for the internet economy and by extension, the global economy because corporations, individuals, and consumers can search and access information about anything anywhere and anytime. Moreover, Google also goes with the motto of “Do not be Evil” which means that its business practices are geared towards enhancing information and actualizing best practices that would help people find and search information. Though its business practices in China and elsewhere where the company was accused of being complicit with the authoritarian regimes in censoring information were questionable, on balance, the company has done more good than harm in bringing together information and organizing it.

Market Leader in Search Engines.

Perhaps the biggest strength of Google is that it is the undisputed leader in search engines, which means that it has a domineering and lion’s share of the internet searches worldwide. Google has more than 65% of the market share for internet searches and the competitors do not even come close to anywhere that Google does.

Ability to Generate User Traffic.

Google is a household brand in the world, its ability to drive internet user traffic is legendary, and this has helped it become one of the most powerful brands in the world. Indeed, Google averages more than 1.2 Billion hits a month in terms of the unique searches that users perform on the site. This gives it an unrivaled and unparalleled edge over its competitors in the market.

Revenue from Advertising and Display.

Its revenue model wherein it garners humungous profits through partnerships with third party sites has held the company in good stead as far as its ability to mop up resources and increase both its top-line as well as bottom-line is concerned. This is another key strength of the company that has helped it scale greater heights.

Introduction of Android and Mobile Technologies.

The last of the strengths discussed here relates to its adoption of Android and Mobile technologies, this has resulted in it becoming a direct competitor of Apple as far as these devices, and operating systems are concerned.


Excessive Reliance on Secrecy.

Google does not reveal its algorithm for searches or even its basic formula as far as internet searches are concerned leading to many experts slamming the company for being opaque and hiding behind the veneer of secrecy. However, in recent years, Google has taken steps to redress this by providing a bare bones version of its unique search engine algorithm.

In recent years and especially in 2013, the company has been faced with declining revenues from ads and as a result, the profitability of the company has taken a hit. This is partly due to the ongoing global economic slowdown and partly because of competitors snapping at its heels in a more aggressive manner. Indeed, Apple has already taken steps to garner search engine revenues in its devices and hence, Google must be cognizant of the challenges that lie ahead.

Overdependence on Advertising.

Google’s business model relies heavily on advertising and the numbers reveal that it gets more than 85% of its revenues from ads alone. This means that any potential dip in revenues would cost the company dearly (literally as well as metaphorically). The point here is that Google has to devise a more robust business model that embraces e-commerce and mobile commerce along with its current business model that is based on ad revenues alone.

Lack of Compatibility with next generation devices.

Another weakness for Google is that it is not compatible with many next generation computing platforms including mobile and tablet computers and this remains an area of concern for the company.


Perhaps the biggest opportunity for Google lies in its pioneering effort in providing the Android OS (Operating System) which has resulted in its becoming a direct competitor to Apple and Samsung.

Diversification into non-Ad Business Models.

As discussed earlier, the company has to diversify into non-ad revenues if it has to remain profitable and current indications are that it is adapting itself to this as can be seen from the push towards commercial transactions using its numerous sites like Google Books, Google Maps etc.

Google Glasses and Google Play.

The introduction of Google Glasses and Google Play promises to be a game changer for Google and this is a significant opportunity that the company can exploit. Indeed, this very aspect can make the company take the next evolutionary leap into the emerging world of nano-computing.

Cloud Computing remains a key opportunity for Google as it is already experienced in providing storage and cloud solutions. Indeed, if not anything, it can move into the enterprise market using the cloud-computing paradigm.

The advent of Social Media has seriously threatened Google’s dominance in the internet world and the company has to pull an ace to deal with the increasing features available on Facebook and Twitter.

Another threat to Google is from the emerging area of mobile computing that threatens to pass the company by as newer companies seize the opportunity to ramp up their mobile computing presence.

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CIS 205 Complete Class All assignments and DQs Management Information Systems.

CIS 205 Complete Class All assignments and DQs.

Management Information Systems.

Click This Link to Get Complete Class:

CIS 205 Week 2 Individual Assignment Information Systems Paper.

· Write a 2-3 page paper identifying and describing how information systems support the business processes in an organization.

· Describe the business processes within your current place of employment, or an organization with which you are familiar.

· Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the information systems you have chosen to describe and how to improve those systems.

Write a 2-3 page paper describing the hardware and software used to support personal, workgroup, and enterprise computing within your current organization, an organization with which you are familiar, or an organization that you can interview to gather the necessary information.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper analyzing the use of databases in your organization. Address the following in your paper:

o Include what database applications are used (Microsoft Access, DB2, Oracle, and so forth). Identify and discuss 1 or more applications that are being used in your company that utilize a database (such as Oracle, Access, DB2, SQL Server) to support the application. YOU MUST IDENTIFY WHAT DATABASE IS BEING USED, NOT JUST THE APPLICATION ITSELF! Also, MS Excel is not a database application.

o Conclude the paper by proposing improvements you would recommend for the application and/or database use. For large organizations, restrict the scope of the paper to the department in which you work. Discussion must include research into technical aspects of the databases discussed and/or company that provide the technology used by your company.

CIS 205 Week 5 Team Assignment CIS205 Week 5 Service Request SR-rm-001 Paper and Presentation – Process Evaluation for Riordan Manufacturing.

Based on Karim and Hovell’s (2007) article, discuss what it will take for “everything over IP” to become a reality. Explain whether this is a realistic option for your company.

Based on Holmes’ (2007) article, propose a hardware purchasing strategy for your company.

Based on Goodfellow’s (2007) article, describe the value of virtualization as well as how your company can make use of it.

Based on the Computer Weekly (2007) article, describe how Master Data Management can be used in your company.

Based on Swartz’s (2007) article, what are some of the major problems companies have in managing their data? What solutions would you propose?

BUS 650 Complete Class DQs and Assignments Managerial Finance.

BUS 650 Complete Class DQs and Assignments.

Click This Link to Get Complete Class:

BUS 650 Week 1 DQ 1 The Role of Financial Management in a Firm.

Examine the role of management as it relates to finance in a corporation. In your post, discuss the role of management by addressing the following prompts:

Explain the various aspects of finance that management must understand.

Describe why a manager needs to understand the characteristics and importance of financial markets including their liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency.

Interpret the function of the Financial Balance Sheet in assisting in management’s decision making process.

Discuss what could happen if management does not fulfill responsibilities related to finance. Share a real world example from your own professional experience or from an external source.

Your post should be 200-250 words in length.

BUS 650 Week 1 DQ 2 Short Term or Long Term View.

After reading the first two chapters of your textbook, evaluate the following statement:

Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will lead to overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits.

In your post, explain what is meant by this statement. Describe how management might decide whether to focus on short term or long term goals and how that decision impacts the organization. Next, using the financial balance sheet as displayed in the text, compute an example of how focusing on short term profits can be detrimental to long term profits. Share your opinion regarding whether you feel it’s a better option to focus on short term or long term goals. Use evidence from the text or external sources to support your position. Your post should be 200-250 words in length.

BUS 650 Week 1 Financial Management Challenges.

The following video discusses the four types of markets: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

Video 2.1: Market Structures.

Given the market structures as described in the video, find at least two articles from the ProQuest database that highlight and discuss two of the biggest challenges facing financial managers today in these varied market structures. Summarize your findings from the articles in a three to five page paper excluding title page and references page(s). Include how market liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency impact financial managers.

BUS 650 Week 2 DQ 1 Initial Investment.

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook, address each of the following questions:

a) Think of something you want or need for which you currently do not have the funds. It could be a vehicle, boat, horse, jewelry, property, vacation, college fund, retirement money, etc. Select something which costs somewhere between $2,000 and $50,000. Use the “Present Value Formula”, which computes how much money you need to start with now to achieve the desired monetary goal. Assume you will find an investment that promises somewhere between 5% and 10% interest on your money (you choose the rate) and pretend you want to purchase your desired item in 12 years. (Remember that the higher the return, usually the riskier the investment, so think carefully before deciding on the interest rate.) How much do you need to invest today to reach that desired amount 12 years from now?

b) You wish to leave an endowment for your heirs that goes into effect 50 years from today. You don’t want to be forgotten after you pass so you wish to leave an endowment that will pay for a grand soirée yearly and forever. What amount would you like spent yearly to fund this grand party? How much money do you have to leave to your heirs 50 years from now assuming that will compound at 6% interest? Assuming that you have not invested anything today, how much would you have to invest yearly to fully fund the annuity in 50 years, again assuming a 6% monthly compounding rate?

BUS 650 Week 2 DQ 2 Managing Earnings.

Companies often try to keep accounting earnings growing at a relatively steady pace in an effort to avoid large swings in earnings from period to period. They also try to manage earnings targets. Reflect on these practices and discuss the following in your discussion post.

Are these practices ethical?

What are two tactics that a financial manager can use to manage earnings?

What are the implications for cash flow and shareholder wealth?

Using the financial balance sheet as displayed in the text, provide an example of how purchasing an asset or issuing stocks or bonds could potentially impact earnings targets.

BUS 650 Week 2 Return on Investment – Education Funding.

Develop a three to five page analysis on the projected return on investment for your college education and projected future employment. This analysis will consist of two parts.

Part 1: Describe how and why you made the decision to pursue a MBA. Include in that explanation calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision.

Part 2: Conduct research on your desired occupation and how much compensation (return) you expect to earn. How long will it take to pay back the return on this investment? Be sure to use the financial formulas (Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback) provided in Chapters 3 and 4 of your text.

The analysis should be comprehensive and reference specific examples from scholarly sources. The paper should be formatted according to APA.

BUS 650 Week 3 DQ 1 GAAP vs. IFRS.

The United States uses Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as the basis of financial reporting. The International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS) is an alternative way to report financials. This article from Ernst and Young compares the two methods of financial reporting.

After reading the article from Ernst and Young, answer the following questions:

How does the GAAP reporting method cause cash flows to differ from net income?

How are the features of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow utilized in both the GAAP and the IFRS reporting methods?

Does it make sense to adapt a worldwide standard for financial reporting? Should this be mandated or voluntary?

Calculate some of the potential costs and benefits of switching from GAAP to IFRS.

BUS 650 Week 3 DQ 2 Capital Rationing.

Compare and contrast the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the Net Present Value (NPV) and Payback approaches to capital rationing. Which do you think is better? Por quê? Provide examples and evidence from two articles from ProQuest to support your position. Your post should be 200-250 words in length.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two classmates by explaining why you either agree or disagree with their position. Provide evidence to support your position.

BUS 650 Week 3 Journal Capital Budgeting.

Review the following video:

Critically reflect on the importance of capital budgeting. Why is this such a heated subject in many boardrooms? How does capital budgeting promote the financial health of an organization? How will you use the financial techniques you have learned this week to promote the financial health of your organization?

BUS 650 Week 3 Management of Working Capital Case Study “George’s Team”

View the following video:

It appears that George is running a profitable business. George is aware you are in an MBA Managerial Finance class and comes to you for advice on his working capital practices. More specifically George asks:

1. How you would describe my working capital practices, including my methods of capital budgeting analysis techniques?

2. What are potential pitfalls in my Capital Budgeting practices that I should be aware of?

3. Develop a simple Statement of Cash Flows for George’s Trains using any information gleaned from the video. What areas of improvement do you recommend? Provide at least three references from the Ashford Library or other scholarly sources to support your recommendations.

In a three to five page paper respond to George’s request for advice and answer each question in detail. The Written Paper should be properly formatted in alignment with APA 6th edition formatting.

BUS 650 Week 4 DQ 1 Applying the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

Analyze the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Using the course text and an article from ProQuest as references, address the following:

Explain how the CAPM assists in measuring both risk and return.

Explain how the CAPM assists in calculating the weighted average costs of capital (WACC) and its components.

Illustrate why some managers have difficulty applying the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in financial decision making.

Identify the benefits and drawbacks of using the CAPM.

Develop a 200 – 300 word answer supporting your position.

BUS 650 Week 4 DQ 2 Risk Identification and Mitigation.

Using the annual report from the company that you have selected for your Final Project, discuss the risks the company faces and the actions they take to mitigate those risks. Refer to the Management Discussion and Analysis section of the annual report for this information.

As part of your response consider whether you think the risk mitigation techniques are reasonable. Discuss what others concerns or advice you would offer if you had the opportunity.

Include in your post a calculation for the probability of one of the risks identified by your company. This information may not be available in the annual report, therefore you will likely need to conduct research and critical thinking to complete this calculation.

BUS 650 Week 4 Types of Risk.

View the following Video:

This video introduces the concept of business risk and risk management. It notes that business risks can generally be classified into four categories: property, market, employee, and customer.

Using each of the above four categories of risk, develop an analysis on how financial management techniques or policies can be used to mitigate each of these risks. To supplement your risk analysis, research the ProQuest database and find at least one article for each of your risk mitigation techniques or policies .

Summarize your findings in a three to five page paper excluding title page and references page(s), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to properly cite your scholarly resources using APA style.

BUS 650 Week 5 DQ 1 Factors in Capital Budgeting Decisions.

. Imagine you are a representative of management in the company you have selected for your Week Six assignment and you must make a capital budgeting decision. The decision is to implement a new computer network system to decrease the time between customer order and delivery. The cost will be 10% of last year’s profits. You are charged with describing the important considerations in the decision-making process to upper management. In your response, be sure to include the following:

A description of the important factors, in addition to quantitative factors, that were considered when making this capital budgeting decision.

An explanation of how these factors are significant to the company.

A summary of how you will determine the criteria to rank capital budgeting decisions and whether some criteria are more important than others.

A calculation of the proposed return on investment based on criteria you select and justification for that ROI.

Develop a 200 – 250 word explanation supporting your recommendations.

Tip: For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp ( moneychimp/articles/financials/fundamentals. htm)

BUS 650 Week 5 DQ 2 Assessing Dividend Policy.

Revisit the company you chose for your Week Six Final Project. Using the annual report and other sources such as a 10k or 10q’s, discuss the dividend policy of your company.

Answer the following questions as part of your response:

How would you describe your chosen company’s dividend policy?

Why do you believe this company chose the dividend policy they have in place?

Do you agree or disagree that they have selected the best dividend policy for the company?

How might this dividend policy function in both perfect and imperfect capital markets?

Calculate the dividend rate over the past 5 years. Define why you believe that it has or has not changed over the last 5 years.

Support your position with evidence from the text or external sources.

Your post should be 200-250 words in length.

BUS 650 Week 5 Comparing Capital Expenditures.

Access the annual reports for your selected company for the past three years. Next, select a company that is a direct competitor and download the previous three years annual reports.

Research Tip: The “Mergent” database in the Ashford Library contains company profiles and financial information for publicly traded companies and their competitors. To access this database enter the Ashford Library and select “Find Articles and More” in the top menu panel. Next, select “Databases A-Z” and go to section “M” for “Mergent”. For help with using Mergent use Mergent Online Quick Tips.

Tip: For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp ( moneychimp/articles/financials/fundamentals. htm)

Using the annual reports of both companies complete the following:

For each company report the amount of capital spending for the past three years. Quantitatively determine whether the amount of capital spending has been consistent or if it has fluctuated. Be sure to provide the calculations used to determine your answer. Describe the capital expenditures of each firm and the factors that impacted the companies’ debt capacity and capital structure.

Next, compare the level of capital spending across the two firms. Point out how the spending was similar and/or different and speculate why the similarities or differences might exist. Support your analysis with evidence from the text, external sources, and articles/reports from the Mergent database in the Ashford Library.

Summarize your findings in a three to five page paper excluding title page and reference page(s). Format the paper according to the APA 6th edition style guide as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to properly cite your resources using APA style.

BUS 650 Week 5 Journal Capital Budgeting and Dividend Policy.

We examined two very important topics in finance this week; Capital Budgeting and Dividend Policy.

Critically reflect on the importance of selecting the right projects in which to invest capital. Do we always select those projects that have the highest return on investment? What other factors play into capital budgeting decisions?

We also looked at dividend policy. What incentive is there for a company to pay dividends? What signals does dividend policy provide to investors?

BUS 650 Week 6 DQ 1 Comparing Financial Ratios.

Go to MSN Money. (investing. money. msn/investments/key-ratios) and type in a ticker symbol for a company with the first letter of your last name.

Next, complete the following:

uma. Select “Key Ratios” on the left menu panel.

b. There are several categories listed for ratios. Select one “Financial Condition Ratio” and one “Management Efficiency Ratio”.

c. Open the Profile section on the left menu panel and you will see “Industry” is identified. Find a competitive company within that industry and compare those ratios to the ones you just found.

Examine your findings and determine whether your company outperforms its competition based on financial ratios. Identify where your firm seems to lag. Describe how your firm compares with the industry and speculate as to why you believe your firm is performing as it is.

BUS 650 Week 6 DQ 2 Potential Issues in Ratio Analysis.

As your text describes, ratio analysis is a common technique in financial analysis. One of your colleagues states that a thorough ratio analysis is all that is needed in considering the financial health of a company. Although you agree that ratio analysis is a helpful guide, there may be some potential pitfalls in ratio analysis.

Discuss at least three potential issues in utilizing ratio analysis that you would share with your colleague. In addition, calculate a liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratio from your Week Six company to demonstrate your observations.

Develop a 200 – 300 word explanation supporting your findings.

Evaluation of Corporate Performance.

The Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report either recommending or not recommending purchase of the company stock.

The completed report should include:

An introduction to the company, including background information.

A complete and thorough financial statement review.

Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years.

Complete ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:

b. Financial leverage.

c. Asset management.

Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.

Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).

Review of the soundness of the company’s financial policies (e. g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class.

A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.

This report should be 15 – 20 pages long excluding title page and reference page(s) using APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly sources in addition to the annual report; such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford library. Be sure to include links to websites that were used as references or to access company information.

BUS 599 Complete Class Assignments.

BUS 599 Complete Class Assignments.

Introduction to Quantitative Principle.

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BUS 599 Week 1 Assignment Crafting and Executing Strategy Case JetBlue Airways.

Students are required to conduct an analysis of a company situation Case #3 Jet Blue Airways (p. C-51) and prepare a prepare a 4-5 page report to complete the following:

1. Discuss the trends in the U. S. airline industry and how these trends might impact a company’s strategy.

2. Discuss Jet Blue’s strategic intent.

3. Discuss Jet Blue’s financial objectives and whether or not the company has been successful in achieving this objective.

4. Discuss Jet Blue’s strategic elements of cost, organizational culture, and human resource practices and evaluate whether each element provides the organization with a competitive advantage.

5. Discuss Jet Blue’s strategies for 2008 and beyond and evaluate whether or not Jet Blue will be successful implementing these strategies.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.

o In addition to the 4-5 pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

NOTE: One of the criteria that you will be graded on is the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

BUS 599 Week 2 Assignment Competitive Forces and SWOT Analysis Case Whole Foods Market.

Students are required to conduct an analysis of a company situation Case #1 Whole Foods Market (p. C-2) and prepare a 4-8 page report report to complete the following:

1. Discuss the trends in retailing of organic foods and the impact of these trends on Whole Foods Market.

Evaluate the competitive environment of the firm: Apply Porter’s model and analyze each factor relative to the company.

Discuss which environmental factor poses the most significant threat to Whole Food and what the company can do to combat it.

Complete a SWOT analysis and identify significant opportunities and threats facing the organization.

Discuss how Whole Foods can use it strengths and opportunities to achieve a sustained competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.

NOTE: One of the criteria that you will be graded on is the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

Analyze the external and internal environment for opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses that impact the firm’s competitiveness.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.

BUS 599 Week 3 Assignment Foreign Market Entry and Diversification Case Corona Beer.

Students are required to conduct a case analysis for Case #13 Corona Beer (Modelo).

(C-248) and prepare a 4-5 page report to complete the following:

Identify and discuss the trends in the global beer markets.

Discuss how Modelo’s international expansion was made possible through strategic partnerships with experienced distributors in local markets.

Identify and discuss the next foreign market that Modelo should enter and discuss the strategy it should use to enter the market.

Discuss the challenges that Modelo faces from its competitor InBev, and how it might respond strategically to the industry giant.

Discuss whether or not Modelo should diversity its business. If so, what business should it enter and why?

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.

o In addition to the 4-5 pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

NOTE: One of the criteria that you will be graded on is the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

BUS 599 Week 4 Assignment HRM Issues Diversification Strategies Case Nucor Corporation.

Students are required to conduct an analysis of Case #10 Nucor Corporation and prepare a 4-5 page report.

Discuss the trends in the steel industry and how it may impact Nucor’s strategy.

Discuss the organizational structure and management philosophy at Nucor.

Identify three HRM issues related to strategy implementation and recommend actions to address these issues.

Based on the situation, recommend whether a related or unrelated diversification should be used by the company. Fornecer fundamentação de apoio.

Based on your recommendation for related or unrelated diversification, identify the organizational structure issues that the company would need to address to implement that diversification.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.

o In addition to the 4-5 pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

NOTE: One of the criteria that you will be graded on is the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

BUS 599 Week 5 Assignment Corporate Culture Leadership Actions for Strategy Implementation Southwest Airlines.

Conduct an analysis of Southwest Airlines (Case 23/c-401) and prepare a 3-4 page report addressing the following:

Discuss the corporate culture at Southwest Airlines and how it leverages its culture to achieve a competitive advantage.

Evaluate the company’s financial performance by calculating and interpreting the profitability ratios. (operating profit margin, net profit margin, return on total assets, return on stockholders equity)

Describe the characteristics of company’s culture and how you think it affects company performance.

Given the strategic decisions in the case, recommend actions that management should take to sustain/strengthen the culture (or implement a change), based on the situation given.

Given the strategic decisions in the case, identify three leadership actions that the company would need to be consider to implement the decisions. Explain why these are critical to implementing the strategic decision.

BUS 475 Complete Class Discussion Questions, Individual and Learning team Assignments.

BUS 475 Complete Class Discussion Questions, Individual and Learning team Assignments.

Integrated Business Topics.

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BUS 475 Week 2 Individual Assignment – Strategic Plan, Part I - Conceptualizing a Business.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business’s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following:

Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service. o Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics. o Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization’s strategic direction. o Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Prepare to discuss this assignment with the class.

BUS 475 Week 2 Team Assignment – Value Alignment.

Discuss with your Learning Team an existing organization with which you are familiar that is different than the one you used for the Conceptualizing a Business paper.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the individual values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Include the following in your paper:

Analyze the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of your personal and workplace values.

Explain how your individual values drive your actions and behaviors, and analyze the alignment between your values and actions and behaviors.

Analyze the degree of alignment between the organization’s stated values and the organization’s actual plans and actions.

Explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

What is a SWOTT analysis? What is its purpose in strategic planning? Must you conduct a SWOTT analysis to have an effective strategic plan? Why or why not?

Describe SWOTT analysis? What role does it play in strategic planning? To develop effective strategic plan is it necessary to do SWOTT analysis? Give reasons.

In the development of strategic plan what are main internal contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why?

In the development of strategic plan what are main external contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why?

Enlist major factors of planning for competitive success? Give an example where company achieved competitive success due to effective planning. Also give an example where company fails to achieve competitive success due to ineffective planning.

BUS 475 Week 3 Individual Assignment – Strategic Plan, Part II - SWOTT Analysis.

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business.

Discuss with your Learning Team the forces and trends below that must be taken into consideration while developing a strategic plan. Given today’s business environment and each Learning Team members’ selected business idea, provide a list of the lessons learned from your Learning Team’s discussion for each of the items listed below. Use this discussion to complete this assignment.

Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.

External forces and trends considerations:

Legal and regulatory.

Internal forces and trends considerations:

Processes and systems.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following:

Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends.

Critique how well the organization adapts to change.

Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization.

Identify issues and/or opportunities:

Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above.

Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis.

Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 3 Team Assignment – Functional Area Interrelationships.

Select one organization of the Virtual Organizations from the student Web site.

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you complete the following:

State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals.

Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure.

Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the functional areas that must be employed to achieve organizational goals, and prepare an action plan to implement the collaboration process.

Identify and provide an example of the use of lateral collaboration and vertical collaboration within the organization, and prepare an action plan to use lateral and vertical collaboration.

Identify the key stakeholders and their roles needed to achieve the organizational goals, and recommend the collaborative interactions among the key stakeholders to facilitate the organization’s success.

What are the different types of strategies? What are the differences among these strategies? How do you determine which type of strategy is most appropriate for your organization?

Enlist different types of strategies? Explain the differences among these strategies?

Which strategy is best suited to your organization how will you decide?

Explain strategic objectives and its purposes? How does a strategic objective become effective? Give examples of strategic objectives for your organization or a similar organization.

Explain the difference among strategic objectives, long-term objectives and short-term objectives? How are objectives and goals related? Give example of this relationship.

Define corporate governance? What is its role in strategic planning and how is it important? Illustrate your answer with an example.

BUS 475 Week 4 Individual Assignment – Strategic Plan, Part III-Balanced Scorecard.

Resources: Exhibit 7-1 in Ch. 7 of Strategic Management.

Develop the strategic objectives for your business in the format of a balanced scorecard. The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis. Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:

Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:

Revenues and costs.

Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:

Customer retention or turnover.

Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:

Measure of process performance.

Productivity or productivity improvement.

Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:

Employee turnover or retention.

Level of organizational capability.

Nature of organizational culture or climate.

Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas identified above (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week Three. Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.

For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, “The percentage of increase in market share.” The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of “Increase market share” could be “Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years” of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives from your vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis.

Format paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 4 Team Assignment – Communication Plan Outline.

Develop a generic communications plan and template. This template will be used to develop a communication plan for your Final Strategic Plan, due in Week Five.

Why is it important to continuously update the implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be responsible for updating and communicating a strategic plan? Por quê?

Explain the reason of constant and essential updating of implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be the in charge of the task i. e. updating and communicating a strategic plan? Por quê?

Was the strategic plan of your organization been communicated to you? If yes then who and how was it communicated? If not how does it affect you organizational effectiveness? In general is it essential for the employees of the organization to know the strategic plan? Support reasons.

What factors should be taken into account while developing a roadmap for a strategic plan? Give examples of external and internal change agents? What role change agents perform in the implementation of a roadmap for a strategic plan?

BUS 475 Week 5 Final Strategic Plan and Presentation.

Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecards, and communication plan.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word section for your strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship.

Combine your completed strategic plan. This includes the vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecard, and communication plan. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be 2,800 to 4,200 words in length.

Prepare three to five Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® slides, in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business. Share your presentation with your classmates and provide substantive feedback by commenting on the work of your classmates.

What are examples of regulatory issues that affect the controlling aspect of a strategic plan? What are examples of organizations that have failed to comply with regulatory requirements in controlling their strategic plans? What were some repercussions that these organizations have faced?

Why supervision and management of strategic plans is essential? Who should be in charge for supervising and managing strategic plans? Por quê? What are the drawbacks faced if fall short of supervising and managing the strategic plans?

As an employee describe your role in the strategic planning process of an organization. Also highlight your role in implementation process and in supervisizing and managing processes of an organization.

Week 1 Discussion Question.

Select a small business that you may want to start. What is strategic management and planning? Why would a strategic plan be important to the success of this business? How are the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan?

Week 2,3 and 4 Summaries are Included.

BUS 405 Entire Class All Assignments and DQs.

BUS 405 Entire Class All Assignments and DQs.

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Assignment Annualized Returns Chapter 3 problem 18.

Complete problem 18 in Chapter 3 (shown below) and submit to the instructor. Show your work to find the annualized return for each of the listed share prices. Write a 100 word analysis of the process to calculate these annualized returns.

Suppose you have $28,000 to invest. You’re considering Miller-Moore Equine Enterprises (MMEE), which is currently selling for $40 per share. You also notice that a call option with a $40 strike price and six months to maturity is available. The premium is $4.00. MMEE pays no dividends. What is your annualized return from these two investments if, in six months, MMEE is selling for $48 per share? What about $36 per share?

DQ 1: Blume’s Formula, Allocation, and Selection.

From Chapter 1, answer Concept Question 5: What is Blume’s formula? When would you want to use it in practice? Also, from Chapter 2, answer Concept Question 4: What is the difference between asset allocation and security selection? Remember to complete all parts of the questions and support your answers with examples from the text and other resources. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

From Chapter 4, complete Problem 4: The Aqua Liquid Assets Money Market Mutual Fund has a NAV of $1 per share. During the year, the assets held by this fund appreciated by 2.5 percent. If you had invested $50,000 in this fund at the start of the year, how many shares would you own at the end of the year? What will the NAV of this fund be at the end of the year? Por quê? Remember to complete all parts of the question, show your work, and report the results of your analysis.

Assignment Abbott Laboratories Problem.

After reading the Value Line figures and information on Abbott Laboratories in the Questions and Problems section of Chapter 6 (just before Problem 27), complete Problems 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 and submit to your instructor. Show your calculations and in your response to problem 31 write a 100 to 200 word defense of your position as to the value of Abbott Laboratories stock at its current price of $50 per share.

27. What is the sustainable growth rate and required return for Abbott Laboratories? Using these values, calculate the 2010 share price of Abbott Laboratories Industries stock according to the constant dividend growth model.

28. Using the P/E, P/CF, and P/S ratios, estimate the 2010 share price for Abbott Laboratories. Use the average stock price each year to calculate the price ratios.

29. Assume the sustainable growth rate and required return you calculated in Problem 27 are valid. Use the clean surplus relationship to calculate the share price for Abbott Laboratories with the residual income model.

30. Use the information from the previous problem and calculate the stock price with the clean surplus dividend. Do you get the same stock price as in the previous problem? Why or why not?

31. Given your answers in the previous questions, do you feel Abbott Laboratories is overvalued or undervalued at its current price of around $50? At what price do you feel the stock should sell?

DQ 1: Primary and Secondary Markets.

Complete Concept Question 1 from Chapter 5: If you were to visit your local Chevrolet retailer, there is both a primary and a secondary market in action. Explicar. Is the Chevy retailer a dealer or a broker? Remember to complete all parts of the question and support your answers with examples from the text and other resources. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

Complete Concept Question 9 from Chapter 8: What does it mean to be a contrarian investor? How would a contrarian investor use technical analysis? Post your answers to the discussion board. Remember to complete all parts of the question and support your answers with examples from the text and other resources. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

Assignment Bootstrapping Chapter 10 Problem 31.

Complete problem 31 of Chapter 10 (shown below), and submit to your instructor. Show your calculations and the algebraic manipulation of the price equation for the bond. In addition to solving the problem, write a 100 to 200 word essay on the term structure of fixed income securities.

One method used to obtain an estimate of the term structure of interest rates is called bootstrapping. Suppose you have a one-year zero coupon bond with a rate of r1 and a two-year bond with an annual coupon payment of C. To bootstrap the two-year rate, you can set up the following equation for the price (P) of the coupon bond:

Because you can observe all of the variables ex.

cept r2, the spot rate for two years, you can solve for this interest rate. Suppose there is a zero coupon bond with one year to maturity that sells for $949 and a two-year bond with a 7.5 percent coupon paid annually that sells for $1,020. What is the interest rate for two years? Suppose a bond with three years until maturity and an 8.5 percent annual coupon sells for $1,029. What is the interest rate for three years?

DQ 1: Forward Interest Rates – BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Problem 16 from the Questions and Problems section of Chapter 9: According to the pure expectations theory of interest rates, how much do you expect to pay for a one-year STRIPS on February 15, 2011? What is the corresponding implied forward rate? How does your answer compare to the current yield on a one-year STRIPS? What does this tell you about the relationship between implied forward rates, the shape of the zero coupon yield curve, and market expectations about future spot interest rates? Remember to complete all parts of the questions, and report the results of your analysis. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

DQ 2: Bond Prices versus Yields – BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Concept Question 9 of Chapter 10: (a) What is the relationship between the price of a bond and its YTM? (b) Explain why some bonds sell at a premium to par value, and other bonds sell at a discount. What do you know about the relationship between the coupon rate and the YTM for premium bonds? What about discount bonds? For bonds selling at par value? (c) What is the relationship between the current yield and YTM for premium bonds? For discount bonds? For bonds selling at par value? Remember to complete all parts of the questions, and report the results of your analysis. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

Assignment Performance Metrics Chapter 13 Problem 22.

Complete Problem 22 in the Questions and Problems section of Chapter 13 (shown below). When you pick the best choice for your portfolio, defend your decision in a 100 – 200 word essay.

You have been given the following return information for two mutual funds (Papa and Mama), the market index, and the risk-free rate.

Calculate the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha, information ratio, and R-squared for both funds and determine which is the best choice for your portfolio.

DQ 1: Expected Returns and Deviation – BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Problems 1, 2, and 3 from the Questions and Problems section of Chapter 11 (shown below). Remember to complete all parts of the questions, and report the results of your analysis. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings outside of your own thread.

DQ 2: Portfolio Weights – BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Problem 10 from the Questions and Problems section of Chapter 12: A stock has a beta of .9 and an expected return of 9 percent. A risk-free asset currently earns 4 percent.

Assignment Construct a well-diversified portfolio.

The student will construct a well-diversified portfolio using an initial investment stake of $50,000 (the portfolio should use 95% of the fund, but they may not use more than $50,000). The student may include stocks, common or preferred; bonds, corporate or U. S. Treasury bonds; fundos mútuos; and futures contract or options. The student will use the closing prices from the first day of the class to determine the price of each issue. Only whole lots of any issues may be acquired, that is no less than 100 shares of common or preferred stock; no less than 5 corporate bonds or $10,000 for U. S. Treasury Bonds; no fewer than the minimum required investment for any mutual fund; and no fewer than 5 contracts for any option or futures position. The settlement date will be the first day of Week 3. The student does not have to use all of the above mentioned securities, but they must use more than one class. Transaction costs are ignored in the creation of the portfolio.

DQ 1: Hedging with Futures - BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Concept Question 7 from Chapter 14: The town of South Park is planning a bond issue in six months and Kenny, the town treasurer, is worried that interest rates may rise, thereby reducing the value of the bond issue. Should Kenny buy or sell Treasury bond futures contracts to hedge the impending bond issue? Remember to complete all parts of the question and support your answers with examples from the text and other resources.

DQ 2: Option Strategies - BUS405 Principles of Investments.

Complete Concept Question 12 from Chapter 15: Recall the options strategies of a protective put and covered call discussed in the text. Suppose you have sold short some shares of stock. Discuss analogous option strategies and how you would implement them. (Hint: They’re called protective calls and covered puts.) Remember to complete all parts of the question and support your answers with examples from the text and other resources.

Chapter 1: A Brief History of Risk and Return.

Chapter 2: The Investment Process.

Chapter 3: Overview of Security Types.

Chapter 4: Mutual Funds.

Chapter 5: The Stock Market.

Chapter 6: Common Stock Valuation.

Chapter 7: Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency.

Chapter 8: Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing.

Chapter 9: Interest Rates.

Chapter 10: Bond Prices and Yields.

Chapter 11: Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation.

Chapter 12: Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line.

Chapter 13: Performance Evaluation and Risk Management.

BUS308 Entire Course All DQs and Assignments.

BUS308 Entire Course All DQs and Assignments.

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BUS308 Week 1 Week One Problems.

Week One Problems.

Complete the following problems from the textbook and submit all work in a Word file. You may copy and paste Excel files as a picture into the Word document (see tutorials in chapter appendices).

MegaStat is an optional, but recommended, Excel add-on that simplifies statistical analysis in Excel. It is available to download for a fee at the MegaStat website (highered. mcgraw-hill/sites/0077425995/information_center_view0/). Please note that MegaStat works with all recent versions of Excel, including Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, but for Mac is only currently compatible with Excel for Mac 2011.

uma. Chapter 1: 1.2, 1.17.

b. Chapter 3: 3.3, 3.22.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

You are the manager at a company and are asked to present a report on the year-to-date performance of your division. What type of statistical information would you include in your report? In particular, which descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.) do you think would best represent the main aspects of the performance of your division? What types of graphical presentation (histogram, dot plot, stem-and-leaf, bar chart, etc.) would you include? Explain your reasoning. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

The Empirical Rule vs. Chebyshev’s Theorem.

Discuss how the Empirical Rule works and how it relates to the bell curve as illustrated in Figure 3.14 (a). Then, explain Chebyshev’s Theorem and how it is different from the Empirical Rule. Give a specific example of a population with which the Empirical Rule might be most effective and one with which Chebyshev’s Theorem might be most effective. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

1.The two types of quantitative variables are.

ordinal and ratio.

interval and ordinal.

nominative and ordinal.

interval and ratio.

nominative and interval.

2.As a general rule, when creating a stem-and-leaf display, there should be between ______ stem values.

no fewer than 20.

3.The median is the value below which and above which approximately 50 percent of the measurements lie.

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is an example of a ____ variable.

5.Stem-and-leaf displays and dot plots are useful for detecting.

Midpoint of data.

All of the above.

6.Any characteristic of a population unit is called a.

7.The science of using a sample to make generalizations about the important aspects of a population is known as.

Statistical Process Control.

A random sample.

8.A normal population has 99.73 percent of the population measurements within ___ standard deviations of the mean.

9.When we are choosing a random sample and we do not place chosen units back into the population, we are.

sampling with replacement.

sampling without replacement.

using a Systematic Sample.

using a Voluntary Response Sample.

10.An example of manipulation of graphical display used to distort reality is:

Zero at the axes.

Equal widths of bars in a histogram.

Conceptually we would expect the probability of newborn males and females to be the same. However, census reports indicate that the ratios of males and females in various countries do not conform to the theoretical prediction. What do you think accounts for this variation? Can you think of other cases where the expected probabilities do not quite agree with the empirical values? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Applications for Probability.

In what situations might you use probability as a manager to approach business-related problems? What are the advantages to using probability concepts in business decisions? Are there any disadvantages or possible pitfalls to avoid in using probability in business? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

BUS308 Week 2 Week Two Problems.

Week Two Problems.

Complete the following problems from the textbook and submit them as a Word file. When appropriate, you may use either Excel or Megastat to complete (see tutorials in chapter appendices).

uma. Chapter 4: 4.4, 4.20.

b. Chapter 5: 5.12.

c. Chapter 6: 6.22(a)

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

1. In the application of Bayes’ Theorem the sample information is combined with prior probabilities to obtain posterior probabilities.

2. The actual weight of hamburger patties is an example of a continuous random variable.

3. A student’s grade on an examination was transformed to a z value which is negative. Therefore, we know that he scored.

4. The expected value of a discrete random variable is:

5. The following formula: P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B) represents.

6. A standard normal distribution has a mean of ____and standard deviation of ____.

7. A(n) __________ is a measure of the chance that an uncertain event will occur.

8. The MPG (mileage per gallon) for a mid-size car is normally distributed with a mean of 32 and a standard deviation of .8. What is the probability that the MPG for a selected mid-size car would be less than 33.2?

9. For a Poisson random variable the mean and the variance equal the average number of occurrences over the time interval (µx = ó2x = µ)

10. In a statistical study, the random variable , if the house is colonial, and if the house is not colonial, then it can be stated that the random variable is continuous.

Consider question 7.45 from the text: A Milwaukee television station, WITI-TV, conducted a telephone call-in survey asking whether viewers liked the new newspaper, the Journal Sentinel . On April 26, 1995, Tim Cuprisin, a columnist for the Journal Sentinel , wrote the following comment: “WITI-TV (Channel 6) did one of those polls—which they admit are unscientific—last week and found that 388 viewers like the new Journal Sentinel and 2,629 didn’t like it. We did our own unscientific poll on whether those Channel 6 surveys accurately reflect public opinion. The results: a full 100 percent of the respondents say absolutely, positively not.”

Is Cuprisin’s comment justified? Write a short paragraph explaining your answer, and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Many articles present statistical data and list margins of error (for example, reports on political opinion polls, growth or decline of the housing markets, manufacturing sectors, etc.). Find one such article from a reliable source (such as EBSCO or Proquest) in the online library that includes a construction of confidence intervals for the data studied, and give a summary of the topic and the statistical results presented. In particular, discuss whether there is enough information presented in the article to arrive at the same conclusion as reported. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

BUS308 Week 3 Week Three Problems.

Week Three Problems.

Complete the following problems from the textbook and submit them as a Word file. When appropriate, you may use either Excel or Megastat to complete (see tutorials in chapter appendices).

uma. Chapter 7: 7.11, 7.30.

b. Chapter 8: 8.8, 8.38.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

1. When the sample size and sample standard deviation remain the same, a 99% confidence interval for a population mean, µ will be _____ the 95% confidence interval for µ.

2. A sample statistic is an unbiased point estimate of a population parameter if the mean of the population of all possible values of the statistic equals the population parameter.

3. When the sample size and the sample proportion remain the same, a 90% confidence interval for a population proportion p will be ______ the 99% confidence interval for p.

4. A manufacturing company measures the weight of boxes before shipping them to the customers. If the box weights have a population mean and standard deviation of 90 lbs and 24 lbs respectively, then, based on a sample size of 36 boxes, the probability that the average weight of the boxes will be less than 84 lbs is.

5. When the population is normally distributed and population standard deviation ∑ is unknown, then for any sample size n, the sampling distribution of is a t distribution.

6. The central limit theorem states that as sample size increases, the population distribution more closely approximates a normal distribution.

7. The results of a scientific poll showed that 64 out of 400 patients at a certain hospital are not satisfied with the care they received in the hospital after major surgery. A consumer advocate claims that 20% of the major surgery patients at the hospital are dissatisfied with after-surgery care. If the advocate’s claim is true, what is the probability that 64 or fewer of 400 randomly selected patients at the hospital would say they are dissatisfied with the after-surgery care.

8. If the population proportion is .4 with a sample size of 20, then is this sample large enough so that the sampling distribution of is a normal distribution.

9. When a confidence interval for a population proportion is constructed for a sample size and the value of, the interval is based on the.

10. When the population is normally distributed, population population mean µ is based on standard deviation ó is unknown and the sample size is , the confidence interval for the.

Give an example of a hypothesis test you could perform at work or at home. State what the Null and the Alternative hypotheses would be in your test. Explain how you would settle on a reasonable level of significance for your scenario. Also explain what the type I and II errors would be if you reached the incorrect conclusion in your test. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Assume you are the manager of a paint manufacturing factory. Your company has received complaints from customers that the containers hold less than the amount printed on them. On the other hand, corporate management is concerned that the containers hold more than the standard amount. You assign a statistician to verify these claims. A sample of containers was selected and the volume of paint in each container was measured. Assuming that the volume printed on each container is 1 gallon, how would you formulate the null and alternative hypotheses to test the customers’ claim? As a manager, what reasonable criteria will you use to set a value for the level of significance to be used in the test? After answering this question, what type of error would you suppose may result in that case? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

BUS308 Week 4 Week Four Problems.

Week Four Problems.

Complete the following problems from the textbook and submit them as a Word file. When appropriate, you may use either Excel or Megastat to complete (see tutorials in chapter appendices).

uma. Chapter 9: 9.13, 9.22.

b. Chapter 12: 12.10, 12.18(a)

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

1. The manager of the quality department for a tire manufacturing company wants to study the average tensile strength of rubber used in making a certain brand of radial tire. The population is normally distributed and the population standard deviation is known. She uses a Z test to test the null hypothesis that the mean tensile strength is less than or equal to 800 pounds per square inch. The calculated Z test Statistic is a positive value that leads to a p-value of .067 for the test. If the significance level is .10, the null hypothesis would be rejected.

2. For the chi-square goodness of fit test, the rejection point X 2a is in.

3. Consider using p - value to test H0 versus Ha by setting α equal to .10. We reject H0 at level α of significance if and only if the p - value is:

4. Type II error is defined as the probability of ______ H0 , when it should _____.

5. The X2 statistic is used to test whether the assumption of normality is reasonable for a given population distribution. The sample consists of 5000 observations and is divided into 6 categories (intervals). The degrees of freedom for the chi-square statistic is.

6. For a hypothesis test about a population mean or proportion, if the level of significance is less than the p-value, the null hypothesis is rejected.

7.When carrying out a sample test (with ó known) of H0 : µ = 10 vs . Ha : µ > 10 by using a rejection point, we reject Ho at level of significance a if and only if the calculated test statistic is.

8. The X2 statistic from a contingency table with 6 rows and five columns will have _____ degrees of freedom.

9. Homogeneity is a test of the null hypothesis that all multinomial probabilities are equal.

10. When using the chi-square goodness of fit test with multinomial probabilities, the rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that at least one of the multinomial probabilities is not equal to the value stated in the null hypothesis.

Do you think there is a correlation between CEO salaries and the degree of success of a company? If you were to take a sample of companies with comparable size, market capitalization, and product category, and plot CEO salaries against the net profit of their respective companies, do you expect to find a linear correlation between the two? Explicar. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Visit the websites on Quality Control (QC) listed in the Required Websites for this week. In addition, locate an article on the Internet or in the Library databases that describes an example of the use of statistics in Quality Control. In your post, briefly define Quality Control and explain its importance. Also, describe some of the most widely used tools in the industry for measuring and controlling quality, emphasizing their relationship to what you have encountered in this class. Finally, explain the example from your article of statistics as applied in a Quality Control context. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

BUS308 Week 5 Final Project Part 1 and Part 2.

To complete this project, use the “Final Project Data Set” found in your eCollege classroom in the Final Project description.

Calculate the mean yearly value using the average gas prices by month found in the “Final Project Data Set.” Using the years as your x-axis and the annual mean as your y-axis, create a scatterplot and a linear regression line. Answer the following questions using your scatterplot and linear regression line: What is the slope of the linear regression line? What is the Y-intercept of the linear regression line? What is the equation of the linear regression line in slope-intercept form? Based on the linear regression line, what would be an estimated cost of gas in the year 2020? What are the residuals of each year? Select a current price that you have seen or paid recently for gas. Is that price within the range of the linear regression line or is it an outlier? Is it within the confidence interval of 5% or either end?

Imagine that you are a manager at a delivery service and you are creating a report to project the effects on your company of rising gas prices in the next ten years. Using the preceding statistical analysis as your basis and outside scholarly resources to support your claims, write a 3 to 5 page paper interpreting the results from this perspective. Include the following considerations:

Introduce the project and its significance to the company. Explain the statistical analysis that you completed in Part I. Be sure to explain where the data came from, what analysis was done, and what the results were. Give conclusions that you have drawn from the data. Consider the effects of your gas price predictions on the delivery business. Also consider whether or not you believe your predicted gas prices are accurate. What could occur in the future that would change your linear regression line and therefore your prediction?

BSHS 402 Complete Class All Assignments and DQs Case Management.

BSHS 402 Complete Class All Assignments and DQs.

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BSHS 402 Week 1 Learning Team Weekly Summary.

BSHS 402 Week 1 DQ 1.

Describe the populations served by case managers.

BSHS 402 Week 1 DQ 2.

Define the following terms:

o Chronic illness.

o Developmental disability.

o Service coordination.

BSHS 402 Week 2 Learning Team Weekly Summary.

BSHS 402 Week 2 DQ 1.

Describe the benefits and drawbacks for case management of managed care. Share your own experiences with or observations of managed care and case management.

BSHS 402 Week 2 DQ 2.

Briefly describe what a case manager might do in each step of the model of case management found in your textbook.

BSHS 402 Week 3 Learning Team Exercise Quiz.

BSHS 402 Week 3 Learning Team Weekly Summary.

BSHS 402 Week 3 DQ 1.

List the components of an intake interview. In other words, what do you need to find out? List the components of assessment. Describe how you would assess the seriousness of the problems and the steps you might take to address them.

BSHS 402 Week 3 DQ 2.

Describe the process of setting goals. Describe the connection between intervention planning and resource utilization.

BSHS 402 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Diversity Issues Exercise – Assessment and Interpersonal Skills.

Discuss with your teammates your differences in sex, race, culture, politics, and religion. After you have completed your discussion, talk to each other about what you found hard to discuss, what you found easy, and whether or not what you experienced relates to your work with clients. Be Prepared to discuss your experiences with the rest of your classmates in the Main forum as a response to DQ#4 for Week Three.

Conduct an online search for software designed to help case managers track clients, gather statistical data, generate reports, access resources, and record contacts. Review at least three programs. Discuss your findings as a group. Discuss the value of such systems in the case management process and the provision of client services. Prepare to informally report on your findings in Week Four.

BSHS 402 Week 4 Learning Team Weekly Summary.

BSHS 402 Week 4 DQ 1.

Explain the difference between counseling and therapy. What do case managers do?

BSHS 402 Week 4 DQ 2.

Describe resources available in your community and how they might be used. You may find information about these resources through directories and on the Internet.

BSHS 402 Week 5 Individual Assignment Area Mandates Paper – Special Population.

Submit paper covering Area Mandates. For this assignment, you need to include the following information:

Research your local and state mandates for reporting suspected abuse of children, adults, and the elderly populations. Discuss your local and state requirements, for a case manager or other mandated reporter, to report abuse and neglect of both children and adults. Indicate which state you live in and cite the appropriate law, statute, or regulation.

BSHS 402 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Case Manager Interview.

Discuss how you would encourage and address each of the following issues as a case manager who is establishing an initial relationship with a client:

uma. Establishing a relationship.

b. Motivating a client.

c. Fostering client participation and empowerment.

d. Providing survival skills and relevant information.

e. Providing support.

f. Beginning the process of problem identification.

BSHS 302 Complete Class All Assignments and DQs.

BSHS 302 Complete Class All Assignments and DQs.

Introduction to Human Services.

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BSHS 302 Week 1 Individual Assignment – What is Human Services Paper.

Individual Assignment: ‘What is Human Services’ Paper.

Write a 950-1250 word APA paper exploring the nature and purpose of human services·

practice, including the following:

o The goal of human services.

o The history of human services.

o Common intervention strategies.

Must provide at least 1 reference from 1 of the 3 Major.

Databases from the University Library (EBSCOHost, Gale, ProQuest). Provide a copy of the article attached with your assignment submission.

Provide a copy of the Write Point document, a copy of the.

Plagiarism Checker document and the final document with all necessary changes made. (Write Point and Plagiarism Checker are in the Center for Writing) – there should be 3 attachments in total.

Properly cite your references/resources in APA format.

Do not write in the first or second person: ‘I, we, me’, or use any forms of ’you’ .

Writing for academic purposes takes some getting used to, so this will be a process.

BSHS 302 Week 1 Team Assignment – Learning Team Charter.

Learning Team Charter.

BSHS 302 Week 2 Individual Assignment – History of Minority Populations in the Child Welfare System Article Reviews.

You will be using the academic databases in the UOP library to· find three articles that depict current issues affecting the United States child welfare system. You will then summarize each article in an annotated bibliography (see the Center for Writing Excellence for a sample).

Go to the UOP library and locate the three academic databases under Academic Databases Major : EBSCOhost, Gale PowerSearch, and ProQuest. You will be searching for peer-reviewed articles and studies on each academic database.

1. Go to EBSCOhost.

2. Click on Advanced. Then check Full-text and Peer-reviewed.

3. Search on the following keywords: “Child Welfare” and any minority population (i. e., “African American”, “Native American”, “Latino”, etc.

4. Select one article to review.

1. Go to Gale PowerSearch.

2. Click on Advanced Search.

3. Check: “to documents with full text ” and “to peer-reviewed publications”

4. Search on the following keywords: “Child Welfare” and “Drug Abuse” (feel free to play around a little with different keywords, such as methamphetamines, etc.).

5. Select one article to review.

1. Go to ProQuest.

2. Click on the Advanced tab.

3. Check “Full Text” and “Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed ”

4. Search on the following keywords: “Child Welfare” and “cultural competence”

5. Click on “more search options” to explore ways to find articles of interest (optional)

6. Select one article to review.

o Review your selected articles. Summarize each of these articles in an annotated bibliography using your APA manual.

o Type each reference in APA format using your APA Manual as a guide. Each citation will be followed by a summary of each article (not the abstract), exploring the key issues noted in each article.

Your final assignment will include a title page in APA format, and your annotated bibliography in this order:

o Citation of article 1 in APA format.

o Summary of article (about one or two paragraphs)

o Citation of article 2 in APA format.

o Summary of article (about one or two paragraphs)

o Citation of article 3 in APA format.

o Summary of article (about one or two paragraphs)

BSHS 302 Week 3 Individual Assignment – Vulnerable Populations.

BSHS 302 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment – Social and Clinical Issues in the Elderly Population.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, 10-15 slides exploring the social and clinical issues facing the elderly population, along with common human service intervention strategies. Focus on the Graying of America, ageism, housing, retirement, grandparent parenting, mental health issues and so forth, as well as common practice settings.

Properly cite your references/resources in APA format on the slides.

Be sure to have an introduction, conclusion and reference slide, the intro and conclusion slide should be in sentence format.

Use graphics to add visual interest.

You can use the Notes section to add material or explanation, but many professors will grade only what is on the slides.

BSHS 302 Week 4 Individual Assignment Human Service Agency Interview.

Perform an in-person, phone or online visit to a medical setting, hospice, school or anywhere human services are provided, and interview a human service provider about the nature of the practice setting and interventions provided. Questions can relate to the target population, the mission of the agency, how and what services are provided, the most common clinical issues, how the core competencies are applied, the ethical situations encountered, and how services are funded. In a memorandum format (a sample will be posted during week 4):

List the interview questions asked (a minimum of 10, max 20) and summarize the responses from the interviewee but do not just quote the person. Do some analysis . Use outside sources as required.

Do not use the word ‘you’ or ‘your’ in the questions.

Reflect on whether or not this agency meets your career goals. Be insightful and specific but.

do not use first person. Provide a visual aid (flyer, brief PowerPoint, memorandum) that highlights the services provided by this agency.

Properly cite your references/resources in APA format.

Use a title page.

Personal communications are cited: (Surname, Initial., personal communication, month dd, yyyy)

Personal communications do not go on the Reference page.

BSHS 302 Week 5 Final Global Macro Practice in Human Services.

Learning Team Assignment: Global Macro Practice in Human Services.

In a 1400-1700 word APA paper, students will select a social issue or vulnerable population· affecting the global community , and examine the nature of the population and social issues confronting them, exploring the macro practice interventions . Topics can include HIV/AIDS, refugees, world hunger, child soldiers, genocide, human trafficking, child labor, or other international human rights violations. Students should use information on advocacy and social justice from the following human rights organizations:

1. Human Rights Watch (hrw. nro)

2. National Labor Committee (nicnet)

3. Amnesty International (www amnesty nra)

4. The United Nations (www un. orulriahts)

Additional cites may be used as well.

Properly cite your references/resources in APA format.

Make sure the paper is uniform in appearance.

Avoid first or second person.

Discuss the importance of informed consent and confidentiality in human services. O que eles são? What are their limits? What is the importance of boundaries?

List some basic human needs end how those needs are met (through employment, family, friends, faith community, etc.) What are some of the reasons for why some individuals are not able to meet their basic needs? Looking at this Week’s reading, which movement in history do you feel really changed human services? What is the value of understanding the history of social welfare provision and the roots of the human services discipline? How can gaining a historical perspective of social welfare provision help human service workers meet the needs of their clients more effectively and compassionately?

Discuss your own experience in human services (or intended career) and how you intend to use your degree.

Describe the theoretical frameworks used in human services and discuss how they are different in nature from many psychological theories of human behavior. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the ecological systems theory and other similar theories used in human services in helping to understand human nature and behavior?

Discuss the importance of informed consent and confidentiality in human services.

Share your thoughts on the evolution of the US Child Welfare System; specifically what do you think is the most effective way of dealing with the problem of child maltreatment (foster care, kinship care, institutional care, or family preservation)? How is this different from the ways child maltreatment use to be handled (institutions, orphan trains, etc.)?

Share your thoughts and impressions of the generalist skills and competencies discussed in Chapter 3. What do you feel are your strongest skills, and in what areas do you feel you need improvement?

Discuss the relationship between deinstitutionalization, mental illness, and homelessness. Share your thoughts on current human service intervention strategies, including visiting clients on the streets, mental health courts, etc.

Share your thoughts on the impact of locus of control in the domestic violence relationship, including how the abuser and victim of abuse attribute causality. How can human service workers use attribution theory in helping victims make effective life choices?

How have the changes in the HIV/AlDS crisis (in the nature and management of the disease, changing demographics, etc.) impacted human service workers working in medical settings?

How do you believe schools can most effectively respond to the dramatic increase in teenage pregnancy?

BSA 500 Entire Class all Individual and Learning team Assignments (Business Systems I)

BSA 500 Entire Class all Individual and Learning team Assignments.

(Business Systems I)

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Imagine you are starting a new business, expecting to have about $100,000 in personal or family capital and another $200,000 borrowed, say from a bank, Small Bus Admin (federal government) or an angel investor. How would you form this business venture (i. e. structure as per text Chapter 5)? Defend your choice!

Consider the business you chose for DQ1, and that you are almost ready to launch the business; including yourself (as a working owner) and three of your most important subordinates, describe each’s role in management (if any) and why you made that choice, considering the four basic functions of management discussed in Chapter 7 of the text.

BSA 500 Week 2 Individual-Virtual Organizations Table – Parte I.

Table 1, Virtual Organizations, Course Notes.

Complete the following table using the Course Notes and Virtual.

Organizations : Riordan, Huffman, Kudler, McBride, Elias Group, and Smith Systems.

BSA 500 Week 2 LT Project-Introduction to Riordan Manufacturing.

Complete a 2- to 3-page draft, including an introduction to Riordan Manufacturing and a list of useful accounting software modules. This draft is part of the preparation for the Riordan Manufacturing Paper, due in Week Six.

BSA 500 Week 2 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 2 DQ 2.

BSA 500 Week 3 Individual - Virtual Organizations Table – Part II.

Resources: Table 1, Virtual Organizations, Course Notes.

Add your workplace to the following table and complete each column.

Influences Key Government.

Influences Key Legal.

BSA 500 Week 3 LT Project-Riordan Manufacturfacturing Accounting Modules.

Complete a 2- to 3-page draft that identifies the systems in Riordan Manufacturing that should be connected to its accounting system. This draft is preparation for the Riordan Manufacturing Paper, due in Week Six.

BSA 500 Week 3 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 3 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 4 Individual-BalanceSheet & Income Stmt Commentary.

Select four publicly traded companies: one in the same industry asRiordan Manufacturing, one in the same industry as HuffmanTrucking, one in the same industry as Kudler Fine Foods, and one inthe same industry as McBride Financial Services. Obtain a current balance sheet and income statement for each selected organization.

Write a short commentary on each organization’s balance sheet and income statement.

BSA 500 Week 4 LT Project PPT Draft-Riordan Manufacturing Account Software Modules.

BSA 500 Week 4 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 4 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 5 Individual-Financial Ratios.

Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual.

Manufacturing, and compare them to the manufacturing industry. Include the.

· Return on assets (ROA)

the manufacturing industry.

Calculate the following financial ratios for.

Kudler Fine Foods, and compare them to the food retail industry:

· Find a P/E ratio for the food retail industry.

BSA 500 Week 5 DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 5DQ 1.

BSA 500 Week 6 LT Project LT Paper - Riordan and Presentation.

BSA 500 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Riordan Manufacturing Paper and Presentation.

Finalize and submit a 10- to 15-page paper that summarizes Riordan Manufacturing’s financial state. Include what should be included in the accounting systems, and the systems that should be connected to the accounting system. Be sure your submission is in compliance with the UoP/APA formatting and citationing requirements as per the example document you reviewed in WK1.

Discussion Questions are Included.

BIS 375 Complete Course All Assignments , DQs and Summaries Supply Chain Information Management.

BIS 375 Complete Course All Assignments , DQs and Summaries.

Supply Chain Information Management.

Click This Link to Get Complete Class:

BIS 375 Week 1 Individual – E-Business Evolution Paper.

Resources: Textbooks, Electronic Reserve Readings, course web links, the University Library, or the InternetConduct research concerning the evolution of e-business as it relates to supply chain management using the listed resources. Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on your research in which you cover the following points:

Briefly explain the evolution of e-business.

• Compare and contrast the differences and limitations between e-business and e-commerce as they relate to supply chain management.

• Cite at least two sources in addition to the textbooks to support your conclusions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

BIS 375 Week 2 Individual Case Analysis.

Resource: Double Click Privacy Policy case study in Ch. 9 of Cases in Electronic Commerce.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word analysis using the Double Click Privacy Policy case study, explaining at least three legal, three ethical, and three regulatory issues that need to be addressed by the organization.

Prepare to present your findings in class.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

BIS 375 Week 2 Learning Team E-Commerce Website Analysis.

Resources: E-commerce websites and an industry selected and approved by faculty in Week One.

Select a faculty-approved organization or industry—automotive, healthcare, retail, call center, restaurant, and so forth—that uses e-commerce sites to do business.

Locate and review at least three e-commerce websites for your chosen industry.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing these websites as they relate to supply chain management.

Include a history of the organization or industry, the market in which it operates, the role of government regulations on it, and any issues or opportunities that it faces.

Include at least these of the following items in your analysis, plus three additional items relevant to the industry chosen:

• How user friendly is it? • Download speed• Navigability• Content quality • Aesthetics.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

BIS 375 Week 3 Learning TeamImpact of E-Business on Supply Chain Management Paper and Presentation.

Resources: An industry selected and approved by faculty in Week One and the Learning Team assignment from Week TwoPrepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper, using the industry previously selected by the team, which accomplishes the following:

• Assesses the effect of e-business SCM initiatives on an organization in this industry.• Compares and contrasts the demands and expectations of different types of customers of this industry.• Compares and contrasts traditional and e-business procurement processes for this industry.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

BIS 375 Week 4 Individual E-Commerce Strategic Matrix.

Resources: Electronic Reserve Readings, the Internet, or other resources.

Select a faculty-approved industry such as automotive, healthcare, retail, call center, restaurant, and so forth.

Prepare a simple matrix in which you compare and contrast business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce.

Include at least three industry examples that support the findings in your analysis.

Consider the following elements:

• Cost• Consumer exposure• Customer service• Differences in website structure• Access rights• Audience• Security.

Cite at least three different sources in addition to the textbooks to support your analysis.

BIS 375 Week 4 Learning Team Supply and Demand Analysis on SCM.

Resources: An industry selected and approved by faculty in Week One and the Learning Team assignments from Weeks Two and Three.

Prepare a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes using the industry selected in Week One. The presentation must cover the following:

• Differentiate between customers, suppliers, and partners, and explain their roles and responsibilities as related to the organization.

• Identify several of the organization’s customers and suppliers.

• Analyze the effects of customer demands on suppliers.

• Define various ways suppliers may prepare for customer demand changes.

• Define various ways customers may prepare for supply interruptions or changes.

BIS 375 Week 5 Individual Final Examination.

Resources: Cases in Electronic Commerce; E-Business: Organizational and Technical Foundations; Electronic Commerce 2006: A Managerial Perspective.

Prepare for the Final Examination.

BIS 375 Week 5 Learning Team E-Business Security and Risk Management Proposal.

Resources: Learning Team assignments from Weeks Two, Three, and Four Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word proposal that addresses the following:

• Formulate security measures for protection of the intellectual property aspect of e-business that should be in place for organizations in this industry.

• Develop an e-business risk management plan for an organization in this industry and explain the key aspects of e-business risk management.

• Identify three performance-monitoring tools for e-business supply chains, and compare and contrast each tool to determine which ones would be best for organizations in this industry.

Create a one-page executive summary to present to the CEO based on your paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Resources: E-Business Security and Risk Management Proposal and Executive SummaryCreate a 10- to 15-minute presentation of your executive summary with 10- to 15-slides in Microsoft® PowerPoint® to illustrate your paper.

BIS 375 Week 1-5 Summaries and Discussion Questions are Included .

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